All Fuji X-gear on sale in Canada until January 31! Clearout before the X-T1?
All Fuji X-gear is now on sale in Canada until January 31 in stores like camera canada (via dealsrunner)
As a Canadian FR-reader wrote to me: “Looks like Canadian clearout just before CP+!” As you know, there will be weather sealed X coming at the end of Janaury. The rumored name is X-T1.
Here is the list of what I was able to find out until now… pretty nice specs list for now, don’t you think?
- bigger (extra-large) and better (high performance) EVF / (trusted + anonymous sources)
- APS-C X-Trans sensor II (16MP) / (trusted + anonymous sources)
- double SD-card slot / (trusted sources)
- weather sealed body / (trusted sources)
- announcement at the end January / (trusted sources)
- price range between X-E and X-PRO line / (new and anonymous sources)
- FujicaST-like design / (source who was right in the past, but not yet upgraded to the elite-team of trusted sources
- faster AF than the X-E2 / (new source)
- additional battery grip / (anonymous source)
- name: X-T1 / (anonymous source)
Any help is appreciated. If there is anyone out there who can tell me more about the weather sealed X (or any other X-gear), please contact me at or also completely anonymously via rumor box.