Bags for your X: Think Tank new mirrorless mover bags
Think Tank just launched the new mirrorless mover bags.
Check specs& price of the Mirrorless Mover 30i: Adorama / BHphoto / Uniquephoto
Check specs& price of the Mirrorless Mover 20: Adorama / BHphoto / Uniquephoto
Check specs& price of the Mirrorless Mover 10: Adorama / BHphoto / Uniquephoto
Check specs& price of the Mirrorless Mover 5: Adorama / BHphoto / Uniquephoto
Thanks for sharing this news with FR, Matt (digitaltrekker)
thedigitaltrekker (What does it look like to vote in Malaysia – [shoplink 11923 ebay]X-PRO1[/shoplink] and the [shoplink 11339]Fujinon 14mm[/shoplink])