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Fuji says they will launch more system cameras this fiscal year! And compact camera lineup cut down by 50%.


Amateur Photographer reports that “the company plans to launch more mirrorless system cameras this fiscal year, Tanaka said in the Nikkei interview.” This one more time confirms that our rumors about new entry level X cameras coming soon are correct. And “Fuji tells AP it is ‘extremely pleased’ by the public’s enthusiasm for its higher-end compacts – a market in which it plans to focus its future compact camera resources. Fuji hopes to get its camera division back into the black by 31 March next year.”

Ap also writes: “Hiroshi Tanaka, general manager of Fuji’s Optical Device and Electronic Imaging Products Division, explained that bottom-end models have a low profit margin and will be axed from the firm’s line of around 20 compacts.

This isn’t really a surprise. Smartphones are eating up the compact camera market.

news found via ThePhoBlographer.
