Fuji Report: Strong Sales for the X-series… but Instax Rules Them All!
Fuji’s imaging division is healthy. In fact, “both revenue and profit increased, reflecting the strong sales of the photo imaging business“.
And while the X-series is “selling strong“, the focus of the report is definitely on the Instax cameras. And that’s not a surprise… just take a look at the Amazon Overall Photo Ranking, where Instax (Film & Cameras) are on the top positions since months (years?) now!
What about the X-series future? Fujifilm just says that “looking ahead, Fujifilm is going to strengthen the product line up of X Series.” At this point, the report also surprisingly says that for more information about upcoming products you should follow FujiRumors… just kidding, but I’ll put my best into the rumors and try to annoy Fujifilm also in the second half of 2015 ;)
And now in Fuji’s words:
“In the Imaging Solutions segment, consolidated revenue amounted to ¥361.0 billion, down 3.4% from the previous fiscal year, due to decreases in sales of digital cameras and other factors and despite increases in sales in the photo imaging business. Consolidated operating income stood at ¥20.7 billion, up 477.5% from the previous fiscal year, due to strong sales of instant cameras, cost reductions, and profit improvement for digital cameras.”
More in Fuji’s annual Report here and the latest Earning Presentation Reports here.