Fuji X100T & Kaizen Love? “High Chance of Firmware 2.00 for Fuji X100T” – SRP (NOTE: Long Term Rumor)
There is hope, for Fujifilm X100T shooters :)
A source right in the past told me that:
- There is a “high chance” for X100T Firmware 2.00 to come, but the source can’t give a 100% sure confirmation for now (and maybe not even Fujifilm itself is 100% sure to release it at this stage)
- The source has no information about an expected release date of the Firmware (and probably not even Fujifilm itself has, given how often FW-updates have been postponed in the past)
- The Firmware will bring new features, but the source could not tell me if it will be a vast improvement like the X-E2 FW4.00.
- I’ve also asked about the X100S Kaizen FW, but the source was way less confident about that. I still hope that it will get at least a minor update (Classic Chrome). In the meantime you can download the free X100S (and X-E1/X-Pro1) Classic Chrome Lightroom Profile at the Fuji X Forum.
It will be my job & priority to give you an update as soon as possible.
KEEP IN MIND that this is a Very Early Rumor… and you know what this means: Fujifilm can change plans anytime (X-Pro1s anyone ;) ?)
Early rumors are the main reason why I can’t share 100% correct rumors all the time (I’ve shared “only” 84% correct rumors in 2015 – and actually more, if Fuji would not have changed plans so often).
Well, I believe that most of you guys out there know how to deal with early rumors. But to be sure, I’ll launch a Poll and take it as a reference for future early rumors.
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