Fujifilm GFX Vs. Sony A7rII Vs. Hasselblad X1D Vs. Canon 5DSR
It’s inevitable: the Fujifilm GFX is on the market since 2 or 3 weeks, and the web is in a GFX-frenzy…. FujiRumors included. Believe me, all this will slow down soon, because something else is always just around the corner.
But now, right now, the big thing is the Fujifilm GFX. And there are massive reports about it.
In todays roundup, we are going to see:
- a comparison Fujifilm GFX Vs. Hasselblad X1D (via photographlife) – SPOILER: GFX wins
- Fujifilm Vs. Canon 5DSR at DIYphotography – SPOILER: GFX wins
- Comparing the Fujifilm GFX Vs. Sony A7rII Dynamic range – SPOILER: the GFX wins
- a guest post focussing on the dynamic range of the GFX by Paul
Fujifilm GFX: USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS
Fujifilm GFX Vs. Hasselblad X1D
Nasim Mansurov had some time to test them both, the Hasselblad X1D and the Fujifilm GFX. Here are some of his considerations:
- The Hasselblad X1D-50c definitely wins in terms of build quality and the overall feel of the camera
- Ergonomics, Weight and Handling Differences: The Fujifilm GFX wins by a large margin
- Blackouts and Lags: One of my biggest frustrations when using the Hasselblad X1D-50c has been its blackouts and lags. […] The Fuji GFX 50S is free from such issues.
- Autofocus Speed and Accuracy: I find the GFX 50S to be superior in terms of AF capabilities.
- Considering that leaf shutter lenses cannot have very large apertures (and as of now, all three Hasselblad lenses are limited to f/3.2-f/3.5 maximum aperture), I struggle to find the real appeal of the leaf shutter lenses aside from the flash sync speed. If you are after beautiful bokeh, the focal plane shutter is the way to go. Also, you see exactly what you are going to get…
- Image Quality: I don’t see any drastic differences
Check out the comparison here at photographylife.
Fujifilm GFX Vs. Canon 5DSR
I’ve already shared Daniels video GFX Vs 5DSR in previous roundups. However, DYIphotography made a nice summary, also downloading the RAW files Daniel provided under the youtube video. The GFX is clearly superior to the Canon 5DSR. But consider that not only the sensor, but also the lenses have an important role in such tests. Anyway, check out the summary DIYphotography did of Daniel’s video here
Fujifilm GFX Vs. Sony A7rII
GFX facebook member Sung has them both, the GFX and the A7rII, and motivated by the community, he did a Dynamic Range comparison here (closed group link). Here on FujiRumors I will just share the starting image and the 2 crops after the 6 stop push.
Dynamic Range Test
OK. Never thought of myself as a guy that would do these tests, but Mika and Ulysses and others have motivated me. First things first, link to the raw file here (shared with permission from Sung)
1. GFX was shot with GF 63mm at f4.0, base ISO (ISO 100), 1/2000. Imported into LR at base settings, NR and sharpening zeroed.
2. A7rII was shot with Sony/Zeiss 55mm at f4.0, base ISO (ISO 100), 1/2500s. Imported into LR at base settings, NR and sharpening zeroed.
I know the shutter speeds are different, but T-Stops for the lenses may be different as well. I matched starting exposures based on visual inspection in Lightroom on a retina 5k iMac screen, which seemed the most valid basis for the test.
3. First comparison – magnified crop (approx. 150%) of six stop push. No edits.
4. Second comparison – starting exposures, with GFX 50 cropped to 2×3 to match aspect ratios. No edits.
5. Third Comparison – six stop push, no magnification. No edits.
6. Fourth Comparison – five stop push, no magnification. No edits.
7. Fifth Comparison – five stop push, no magnification. Edited to taste with exposure push fixed at five stops.
Starting Exposure
GFX 50s, six stop push, CROP
a7rii, six stop push, CROP
Fujifilm GFX Dynamic Range
guest post by Paul Caldwell / paulcaldwellphotography
The FujiFilm GFX 50S uses the same 50MP chip that has been used by several camera companies over the years. Phase One uses this chip in the IQ150,250 and 350, and Pentax used it in their 645Z. Recently Hasselblad used the chip in the 50c Medium Format back and the new X1D mirrorless camera.
In tests I had made with the Phase One IQ250 and IQ150, I saw that the Phase One implementation provided some excellent dynamic range in the ISO 100 to 800 range, but still seemed to be a bit noisy past this. Especially when shadows were pushed. I was hoping to see the same amount of push with the Fuji implementation in the GFX. I was able to test this on a recent shoot at Calico Rock. I worked as series of 5 part panos all hand held. My goal was to only shoot 1 shot for each segment and not have to bracket the exposures since I was hand holding the camera. The last segment on the far right was a classic shot where half of the image was in shadow and the other half in full shade. I was metering more to protect my highlights, so the shadows were exposed very dark. This can be seen in the side by side shot below.

In this side by side view you can see the original shot on the left and where I have pushed up the shadows on the right side. From this view it’s a bit hard to really tell just how much room there is in the file taken at ISO 200. So I have taken a few crops at a 100% view. In this view notice the amount of details that are present in the rock bluff and trees along the bluff. Also note how well the light green leaves show up.

In this shot, by far the most impressive, look at how much color and detail were still available. Look for the green pine needles and the brown fall leaves on the oak. Also you can see again a lot of finer branch details that were not visible before I pushed the image. The key here is the image before is basically black, so the amount of push is close to 3 stops total, between exposure push and shadow adjustment.

Not bad!! In fact excellent for ISO 200.
This type of push would easily hold up in a large print. So what I have learned so far:
- The Fujifilm GFX allows easy hand held work with the 120mm lens and 32-64mm lens
There is a huge amount of room in the shadows for push from the base ISO of 100 up to around ISO 800
You can get easily 1 to 1.5 stops of push up to ISO 1600
The files hold up very well with no loss in color saturation, no smearing or excessive noise
By far the best raw converter is Capture One on files where you are attempting to push shadows
guest post by Paul Caldwell / paulcaldwellphotography