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FUJIFILM Medium Format Camera “Definitely More Affordable” than Hasselblad X1D – Trusted Source


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Fujifilm Medium Format

In these days, my gmail account ( is exploding! I get many questions from X-shooters interested in the Hasselblad X1D, who want to know more about the rumored Fujifilm Medium Format.

Now, I’m working on it, and I’ve already shared some specs about the Fujifilm Medium Format. 50MP, to be launched along with 3 lenses maybe to be presented to the world at Photokina and available in 2017. For full Medium Format Coverage search for “Medium Format” on FujiRumors.

But there is something more I can share with all of you today, and it’s a partial answer to the most voted of our 7 crucial Medium Format Questions: How much will the Fujifilm Medium Format camera cost?

I had a talk with a trusted source, who told me that the Medium Format Mirrorless Fujifilm will be “definitely more affordable” than the Hasselblad X1D.

I don’t know the precise price for now (and I’m not sure if Fuji has set a definitive price at this stage), but the words “more affordable” just sound good to me :-) .

Make sure to follow FujiRumors also on Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter… because this is just the beginning :-)
