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Fujifilm to Bring Back Color Film Production in China


Fujifilm is said to resume negative color film production in Nanning, China.

The first films to go in production will be the Fujifilm C200 and Fujifilm C400 and made by Yes!Star, which is known for making medical film.

The news has been shared first on Chinese social media Xiaohongshu and also reported at kosmofoto.

Now, it’s nothing new that Fujifilm delegates the manufacturing of its film to other brands. The “new” Fujifilm 400 (made in USA) is also made by Kodak. Although in this case it looks like it’s more just a rebranded Kodak Ultramax 400.

I am not sure if all these moves by Fujifilm contribute to the health of film photography (delegate other companies to make film Fujifilm does not want to do anymore), or if they are just a way for Fujifilm to make a quick buck out of selling their iconic film stock brand names to third parties.
