Fujifilm X-T20 Specs Update :: 2-Way Tilt Screen (and Not 3-way or Articulating)

Fujifilm X-T20
I received some emails of fellow X-shooters, pointing me to some rumors saying that the Fujifilm X-T20 will have an articulating screen.
I have to inform you that it’s a fake. There won’t be any articulating screen, and not even a 3-way tilting screen like on the X-T2 or GFX. The X-T20 will have a regular 2-way tilt screen, just like the Fujifilm X-T10… with the difference that it will be a touch screen. And it also won’t have a Joystick, as reported here.
The X-T20 will be a downspece’d version of the X-T2. 24MP sensor + X-Processor Pro, but no super-high continuous AF burst, no weather sealing, 1 SD card slot and probably no 4K.
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