GAME OVER for the XF120mmF2.8 :: Fuji goes for a shorter focal length (below 100mm)!
Do you remember when I told you that the XF120mmF2.8 has been delayed to the end of the year?
Well, that was just the beginning of the end for that lens. The lens never convinced Fujifilm. Too big and too heavy. The money, my dear X-shooter friends, is in the smaller lenses, like the XF35mmF2 and the upcoming XF23mmF2!
That’s why, according to a trusted source, the XF120mmF2.8 has been canceled. The source told me that Fuji will go for a “focal length below 100mm”. And now we can confirm that it will something between 60mm and 85mm (but more likely around 75-85mm). The lens should still be 1:1 Macro.
But even if it comes from trusted source, take it with a grain of salt…. Fujifilm can change plans anytime or even scratch lenses from the roadmap (or change specs, like with the XF56mmF1.2, which originally was an F1.4 lens on the roadmap)
Some of you’ll now protest and say: “Patrick, this is just a made up clickbait rumor, that lens is in the official Fujifilm roadmap”! You’re free to do that. But when Fuji updates its roadmap, I’ll gladly look back at those comments ;)
Fujifilm has a clear focus: make smaller and more compact primes! And looking at this Poll, also FR-readers see this as an absolute priority.
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