We Have The Proof ! Fujifilm Reads FujiRumors Every Day and confirms: X-E2 FW in OCT/NOV + X-T1 4.0 on June 22!
Fujifilm shows one of the FujiRumors Polls to the Press
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In case you wonder if Fujifilm cares of the opinion of FujiRumors and FXF readers, well, here is the evidence that they do read us and care about our opinion.
Look at what joshuakhoo published just now: he recently participated at a Fuji event, where the company displayed one of our polls to the press (see image above). Pretty cool :)
“Oh, do take a look at the last slide. That came from Fujirumors.com, on why people buy Fujifilm. Patrick, they read your website everyday too! “
So FujiRumors is the place to let Fuji know what we think… and also our new Fuji X Forum here.
But there is more to read at joshuakhoo. On the rumor front, the Fujifilm Manager confirmed the Firmware rumors shared here on FujiRumors:
“For the X-E2, he is quoted to say that it will be ready around Oct to Nov 2015 time frame and asked the users to be patient as they are short of resources to develop the firmware. As for the X-T1 firmware 4.0 upgrade, he says it will be released on the 22nd of June 2015.
He did not want to answer a question on medium format camera rumour though.“
Take note: Fujifilm did NOT deny the Medium Format Rumor ;) .
At the event, Fuji presented their newly released gear and gave some figures about the market shares in Asia… which are really encouraging (the green line is Fuji’s Marketshare) – see image at the bottom of this post.
Full Report at joshuakhoo
FR-readers requested to split X-Trans sensor and Fuji Colors. It makes sense, since the much appreciated Fuji Colors do not depend (exclusively) on the X-Trans sensor. So here it is, the updated poll. Feel free to vote it… and since Fujifilm likes our polls and feedback, I’ve added a few more.