Let’s Drop The RUMOR-BOMB: Fujifilm is forging a MEDIUM FORMAT CAMERA (Source Right in Past) – WITH POLL
I have the long expected “OK” from the source, and so here it is, the hottest rumor I’ve every published. Just sit down before reading ;).
A source, who was right in the past (!!) told me that Fuji is forging, in secret, a Master Medium-Format Camera! (as some of you correctly guessed at the brand new Fuji X Forum… but some other great ideas amongst it, too. Just read them here if you want)
I know you are dazzled just like me. But I still recommend you to take the grain of salt for 2 reasons:
1) the source was right in the past, but is not yet trusted.
2) the Medium Format Fuji release is everything else but imminent. This is the real crazy variable… I’ve seen Fuji too many times changing plans, even after having tested prototypes. So I’ll wait for a trusted source feedback to be 99% sure.
For these two reasons I’m just 75% to 80% sure for now that it will come… again: the release is everything else but imminent!
And before you start saying it’s the usual FR BS, I’ve just checked all the rumors shared so far in 2015… out of 37 verifiable rumors shared in 2015, 34 were correct so far (91% correct). I really try to be accurate, folks.
Now, this is just the very beginning of the Medium Format rumor. Will it be something similar in design and size like Fuji’s glorious GF670? Or will it have more a design of the Medium Format Pentax 645D? Work in progress ;)

just one of the crazy guesses at the New Fuji X Forum