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NEW eXclusive Fair-Trade Fuji X-shirts on FujiRumors! 100% of the Profits go to FREE EDUCATION for Cambodian Kids!


My fellow X-shooters,

Today I’m happy to launch the fair Trade Fuji X-shirts.

These T-shirts are proudly made in Cambodia by Fair Trade & Zero Waste fashion label Tonlé and designed by Papernoise. 100% of the profits will be devolved to KNGO, an NGO that gives Cambodian kids access to free education.

For now I’ll anticipate just one thing: with the money raised, KNGO could employ more teachers, build a New Classroom and include more children into its free education program!


TONLÉ: The T-shirts are made by Tonlé, a workshop in Phnom Penh (Cambodia), that produces clothes 100% out of recycled fabrics and pays its workers a salary most Cambodians can only dream of.

There is a short & creative video presentation of Tonlé down below… make sure to check it out!


KNGO: 100% of the profits will go to KNGO, an NGO created by Mr. Saveth for his community at the Bospo Village (Cambodia), which today gives access to free education to hundreds of kids (please read more about it down below).

As anticipated above, the goal is to include more children into KNGO’s free education program… and to reach it, we need the support from X-shooters worldwide!


US-residents can buy the Tonlé X-shirts for $29.95 (Free Shipping) at the dedicated fujirumors/shop page (only PayPal accepted). There are 4 sizes: Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large. Just a limited number of X-shirts is available.

The Tonlé X-shirts will be offered with FREE SHIPPING in USA only.

But also Europe & all other countries outside USA are VERY IMPORTANT for the success of this campaign… and here is why!

Thanks a lot for your time,


Here is a quick great video presenation of Tonlé. Please check out their website and visit them on facebook and twitter.

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I’m Mr. Saveth, director of Khmer New Generation Organization (KNGO).

We aim to provide free, supplementary education, without restriction, to children within Bospo Village, Cambodia.

Over seven years of activity, KNGO has made free education accessible to thousands of kids, at the moment we have 450 students, from 6 to 20 years old. They attend our free English and Khmer supplementary classes from Monday to Friday.

But this is not enough to cover the need of our community. There are 350 more children hoping to get access to the free education we provide, but at the moment we do not have enough teachers and classrooms to accept all 800 children.

We would like to expand our project and make free education accessible for all children in Bospo Village. To reach this goal, we rely completely on donations of volunteers.

The money that you spend in purchasing these T-shirts could help us to get closer to our goal by raising the salary for our teachers, employing more teachers and building a new classroom.

Any support is greatly appreciated and if you are interested to know more, please visit our website or our facebook page

Lea hoeuy,

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