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Please write in-depth, informative and personal articles and not just a post with few words. The content must be unique and your personal creation.
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To Edit end View your articles go here: fujirumors.com/article-list/
NOTE 1: If you experience any issue with uploading your text or images, or with registering to the site, please contact me at fujirumor@gmail.com. If you don’t get an email to complete the registration, check your SPAM folder first, and if it’s not there, contact me at fujirumor@gmail.com and I will send you password to access your account.
NOTE 2: If you want to submit a quick news or a rumor, please write me at fujirumor@gmail.com or use the rumor box here (no need to register and anonymous)
NOTE 3: Superquick Guest Post Tutorial Guide – click here
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