The 5 most underestimated Fuji X series products ever :: Final Episode 3 + FINAL POLL
This it the third and final episode of “underestimated Fuji X gear” series. And today it’s about the Fuji X-M1 and XF 27mm.
Nr 1
Fuji X-T10 (see post here)
Nr 2/3
Fujifilm XQ2 / XC lenses (see post here)
Nr 4
Fujifilm X-M1
The X-M1 is cheap, small, X-Trans, good-looking, gives you Fuji Quality in an affordable and compact package, has a tilt screen… but no Viewfinder. This is a deal breaker for me. But if you don’t mind composing your shots using the LCD only and you are on a very low-budget (and can’t afford the X-T10), then this is the way to go for you.
Fuji was clear about it’s entry level segment: only one series can survive, X-M or X-A… and since we now have the Fuji X-A2, the X-M1 will never get a successor.
And I find it a pity. To me, X-Trans is part of the Fuji X DNA and the reason why I’d choose it over the even cheaper X-A1 (with Bayer sensor). A sensor also dpreview likes a lot, when they said here:
“our tests confirm that “although it is “just” 16MP, thanks to the X-Trans sensor, combined with its XF range of lenses, its effective resolution is not much lower than 24MP.”
In the past we discussed this topic comprehensively here on FujiRumors, pixelpeeping and comparing Fuji Bayer Vs. Fuji X-Trans images, and we also launched a Poll, which I share with you again today. The winner is pretty clear.
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Nr 5
XF 27mm
There might be some truth in the words of Antonio, when he says the XF 27mm is “the best unnoticed lens on fuji world“.
Earlier this summer, there was a Cashback deal running in my country. I grabbed the XF 18-135 with a €200 discount. A great deal, and it replaced my 18-55 and 55-200 for travels.
Anyway, during the cashback deal, I was tempted to buy the XF 27mm, the smallest and lightest of all Fujinon lenses. I didn’t buy it just because I already have the 23mm and because the 27mm has no aperture ring… and today I regret it. Especially since I recently sold my 18mm, and I now start to miss a compact walk-around lens to put on my X-T1.
But this lens is not only worth of consideration because of its compactness. Sure, when it comes to pancake lenses, it’s always a trade-off between miniaturization & optical performance. But the XF 27mm seems to have a pretty good IQ for its size. From the Admiriglight review:
“Overall, the Fujinon XF 27mm f/2.8 is a pleasant lens to use and a great option when you want the smallest possible package for your Fuji X camera. […] The 27mm f/2.8 is sharp at most any aperture, and while the edges are a little softer than the center, they are plenty sharp enough for most any use. This little pancake controls chromatic aberrations and fringing extremely well, and I feel that overall image quality is quite good, though bokeh is rather unremarkable.”
At the moment there is a also a terrific deal on it. Buy it along with the Fuji X-E2 and save $350! X-E2 black + 27mm here – X-E2 silver + 27mm here
XF 27mm: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline – EUROPE: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA
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So, this episode concludes my mini-series of 5 Fuji products that probably did not get the consideration they deserve. If there is anything you would add/change in this list, feel free to say it in the comments down below… and to vote the Poll.
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