The 5 most underestimated Fuji X series products ever… and about my unexpected attraction to the Fuji X-T10! (with POLL)
Today I’d like to introduce you to a mini-series of 3 posts, covering those Fujifilm products, that are probably underestimated by many X-shooters. And just to be clear, I was one of those, who initially thought: “Why the heck is Fuji doing this?”
But the more reviews I’ve studied, the more feedback from X-shooters I’ve read at our Forum, and the more I had the opportunity to actually test (and in part also own) these X-gear, the more I realized that I was plain wrong with my initial impressions.
So I apologize if, for the lack of enthusiasm towards some gear, I missed to adequately cover those products on FujiRumors after they were launched, and I hope to make it good again with this little series of 3 Episodes.
Today we start with the X-T10, in episode two I’ll cover 1 camera and 1 lens, and in episode three again, 1 camera and 1 lens… and now you can guess which one ;)
Epsiode 2 here / Episode 3 here
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Fujifilm X-T10
When I started sharing the first rumors about the Fujifilm X-T10, most FR-readers had big doubts if such a camera makes sense… and I admit, I was one of those. And the closer the release arrived, the more rumors I shared, the more people seemed to be disappointed. Just read the comments of the X-T10 rumor posts, and you’ll not find a lot of love for it.
Yes, at least amongst FR-readers, the X-T10 had a really difficult start.
But then the various reviews came out, and they mostly talked very positive about this camera. Let’s take dpreview:
“So who should buy the X-T10? Anyone looking for a digital camera that feels, handles and shoots like, well, an actual camera and not an electronic device. The a6000, the D5500 and the O-MD E-M10 might seem more appealing or capable. […] But from my experience having shot with all of these cameras, the X-T10 is hands down the most pleasurable of the bunch to use. Fujifilm makes cameras for people who love cameras, not specs“
Now, recently I went to my local store and asked for the X-T10. They let me play a while with it… and I tell you: this was enough to sweep away many of the perplexities I had.
And probably, if I would not already own an X-T1, I’d go for X-T10. Why? Here some PROS and CONS
– NO ISO-DIAL: The X-T10 has no ISO dial. And I actually prefer it. Why? As X-guru Rico said at our Forum here:
“[On the X-T10] you can change ISO with any command dial, front or back, or you can also use the up and down selector keys. You can use any of the 7 Fn buttons to pull up the ISO setting in order to change it. You can also use the Quick Menu to pick a new ISO setting. Additionally, you can store different ISO settings in your 7 Custom Settings, so changing ISO by selecting a different custom set is also an option. Obviously, the X-T1 is much more limited “thanks” to its manual ISO dial. Hence no ISO in the custom settings and only one global Auto-ISO choice.”
Evidently, there is no right or wrong, it’s just a matter of personal taste. So here is a poll. Let’s see what FR-readers prefer.

– FULL AUTO MODE with Scene Recognition: I think I would rarely use the Full Auto mode, but it’s handy to have. If I’m super-lazy and just want to take a quick snapshot or give my camera to friends, who are not into photography, the Intelligent Auto Mode is the way to go.
FXF member jeremyclarke wrote at the X-T1 or X-T10 topic: “The full auto switch seems like a really smart idea to me that will help both hardcore professionals and hardcore amateurs.” Why? Check it out here!
– PRICE: That’s probably the biggest PRO of this camera. The X-T10 costs $799. That’s 38% cheaper than the X-T1 (regular price $1,299). An amazing price for what you get.
– LOOKS: In real life it looks good. Much better than the rendered internet images suggest. Still, the X-T1 looks even better, but the X-T10 is definitely something I’d be happy to carry around!
– BUFFER: If you shoot often in CL and CH mode, then you better go for the X-T1.
– EVF: X-T1 has a bigger EVF. In my opinion, this is the biggest PRO of the X-T1. That said, the EVF of the X-T10 just works great, too.
– WEATHER SEALING: For many this is a must have feature. Not for me. If I can save 38% of my money by getting a non weather sealed camera, which built quality is good (and the X-T10 is defintely well made) and delivers the same IQ of the weather sealed one, well, then I go for the cheaper camera (especially if things like this happen).
Of course there are more differences… the X-T10 is smaller, the X-T1 has a more pronounced grip, it’s not so easy to accidentally turn the drive dial on the X-T10 and what not…
Overall there would be just one thing I’d really miss from the X-T1, if I’d switch to the Fujifilm X-T10… the bigger EVF. If you are fine with the EVF size of the X-T10, this camera could the best choice for you.
This was the first part… there are still 2 cameras and 2 lenses to come. Make your guess about what will come as next.
Fuji X-T10 – USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / AUS: Camerapro
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