The “old” (and cheap) Fujifilm X-Pro1 Snaps the Wall Street Journal Front Page image!

We all experience it every day, how our skills & creativity are castrated by the terrific limits of the X-gear we use. Taking good picutres without back-illuminted Full Frame sensor and IBIS is sheer impossible.
However, for some strange reason, it sometimes happens that images taken with Fuji X-series cameras make the cover of the TIME magazine (story here), win the World Photography Arts&Culture Award 2015 (story here), are good enough for God’s work (story here), capture America’s most hated man (story here), win the Wold Press Photo Award 2016 Category Stories (story here) and much more!
This time it’s X-shooter J. David Ake (instagram), who managed to snap the cover of imporant US newspapers (including the Wall Street Journal) with his old and crappy Fuji X-Pro1 + XF50-140mmF2.8.
“By day I’m AP Washington’s photo chief. Most of my time is spent wrangling other photographers pixels, but every once in awhile I get to capture one or two of my own. Monday was such a day. I stopped on my way into work to make the flags at the Washington Monument at half-staff honoring the late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Scalia.
I carry the Fujis as my personal walk about gear, and I shot this image with an X Pro-1 w/ a XF50-140mm f2.8 zoom lens. Exposure was 1/250 @ f8 rated at 320 iso. The old rule about f8 and be there still lives!
I just thought you too, might enjoy seeing the little camera that could, get it done.”
I really wonder why X-gear is used by worldwide famous photographers like Annie Leibovitz (here), Ara Güler (here) and plenty of other Artists, Musicians, Photographers, Scientists, Sportsmen, Princes, Directors (see also the famous X-shooter thread)… and how can Kevin Mullins and many others out there earn their bread & butter with it?
Ok, I’ll now go out and take some crappy shots with my X-gear… maybe it will make the cover of the local monthly magazine of my small village ;)
enjoy your weekend
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Both, the Fuji X-Pro1 and the XF50-140 are part of the huge USA Fuji X Instant Rebate Program of these days.