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Trusted Japanese Source says: “No Fujifilm X40 on the horizon”. Is the Fuji X30 the last of the line?




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I get this questions quite often via email: when will Fujifilm launch the Fuji X40?

Well, according to what the Top Trusted Japanese Source told me in our chat yesterday, Fujifilm has currently no plans at all to make it.

So what… is the Fujifilm X30 really the last of its line? At the moment it looks like this. But in the meantime you guys know Fujifilm. right? Plans can change so quickly at the Fuji Headquarter, that you should take every single long term rumor with a grain of salt, even if it comes from trusted sources.  An example is the Fuji X70, planed by Fujifilm in 2013 (rumor here), then canceled and finally announced in 2016.

So nobody, not even the trusted Japanese source can 100% exclude that there will ever be, one day, eventually, an X40. But at the moment Fujifilm is focusing on other stuff (Medium Format Fuji anyone?).

have a great day,
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