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X-E2 vs A7r (JPEG comparison), X-E2 vs X-E1 (write speed performance) + subliminal message :)!


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subliminal message: the X-E2 is “seX-y too” (shared by Jan at the FR-facebook wall: “Hello folks, a X-E2 mirrored is just pure S3X!!!!”)

USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / AdoramaDigitalRev / Pictureline / EUROPE: wexphotographicUK / DigitalRev / Fotomundus24 GER / PCHstore / AmazonDE (via DR)

1) FF vs APS-C, an unfair comparison… or Sony A7r and Fuji X-E2 JPEG comparison at soundimageplus here: “I’ve been writing in the last few posts about how good the OOC jpgs. are from the A7r and how they are better than the Fuji X-E2. Fuji is known for the quality of its jpgs. but they are no longer the best I’ve used. I’ve been writing (as well as Imaging Resource) that the Sony A7r files have the best jpg. rendition currently available. […] As you can see there is a significant difference and the reason that I’m so enthusiastic about what the A7r produces is that these files aren’t what I expect out of camera jpgs. to look like. Imaging Resource made the point in the above link, that Sony A7r jpgs. look much more like raw files very carefully sharpened with a small radius point.”

In another post soundimageplus says that, although the A7r is better, he still loves the X-system here: “the cameras look great and are incredibly good to handle.  […] The X-E1 in the picture above is a wonderfully light little high quality combination for unobstrusive shooting and of course there is a fine lens system that the Sony A7r can’t as yet match. […] Finally, I like the Fuji X system because it’s different. That doesn’t mean that it’s better (or worse for that matter) but it does offer something different. Plus it still has it’s ‘jewel in the crown’ that super special high ISO quality.

2) Jordan Steele did a test in write performance between the X-E1 and X-E2 on Admiring Light here: “So, it seems Fuji was a bit conservative when they said the X-E2 had write times 1.8 times faster than the X-E1.  In practice, when the card isn’t a limiting factor, it’s closer to three times faster.”

3) Shooting football with the X-E2 and the 55-200mm lens at mikecroshaw here: “Overall I was very impressed and enjoyed the experience.  If someone was paying me to get the shots I’d dig out the D800 of course, but the fuji was more than capable for the purpose I needed it for in this case and I’ll probably take it again just to get more practice with the camera.”

4) Fujifilm X-E2 Initial findings and settings for portraiture at prophotonut here: “’I’ve had the Fujifilm X-E2 for just a couple of weeks but I’ve already studied the camera and the manual in detail to work out how I’m going to shoot with it. Here are three main ways I have established for shooting portraits with the Fujifilm X-E2 camera.”
