14 Things You Might have Missed about the Fujiflm GFX 100 Medium Format Camera
Fujifilm GFX100
The mega Fujiflm GFX100 live blogging is over, and frankly rarely I have been that blown away by a Fujifilm announcement.
And while we all know the main specs now, the 100 megapixel, the 16 bit files, the integrated grip, the huge EVF, I thought I focus on 14 things that you might have missed due to the huge amount of information spreading all over the web.
All the information below can be found in links shared in our GFX100 live blog.
Fujifilm GFX 100: B&H Photo, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera, CalumetDE, ParkcamerasUK, JessopsUK, PCHstore
14 Things You Might Have Missed
1) IBIS, Good or Bad?
How does IBIS work? Cinema5D tested it for videos, and said it is “one of the best he has ever tested“. Considering the size and weight Fujifilm has to stabilize, it’s impressive.
DPReview, who tested a pre-production model, said that at 35mm equivalent, they could get sharp results handheld at 1/10 sec, and even longer shutter speeds when wider lenses are attached.
Depending on the lens attached, they say you get “at least a reliable 2-3 stops stabilization“. Fujifilm says that, with certain lenses, you get up to 5.5 stops.
2) Double structure construction
The sensor, IBIS and mount units are “structurally independent“, as you can see in the screenshots below. The goal is to minimize any possibility of shutter shock.
3) No 4K recording limit
Just shoot 4K for as long as you can. The recording limit is gone
4) Skin Smooth Effect, Any Good?
Fujifilm GFX100 files are incredibly sharp. Sometimes too sharp, for example when you photograph models.
Hence, Fujifilm introduced a new skin smoothing feature.
How does it work? Jonas Rask has tested it, and down below you can see 2 samples, one with skin smooth effect ON and one OFF.
The Fujifilm GFX100 leaves everything untouched and super-sharp, except for the skin, where it applies a gentle smoothing. Nothing scary like the waxy skin tones of first generation processors in early Fujifilm cameras ;).
5) The Dial Nostalgie
Fujifilm decided to get rid of physical dial, but the big top LCD panel allows you to display some fake dials on it. How practical this really is, we will know soon.
Of course, if you want, the top LCD panel can display other information (not the dials). It’s a sharper screen than the one you find on the Fujifilm X-H1.
6) Boost Mode Improved
As Jonas Rask points out, the “Boost mode” function now has different modes. You can choose to push power towards AF performance or EVF FPS performance among others. It’s really cool because you can adjust performance according to task at hand.
7) High Res Samples?
Yep, we have them. Head over to Jonas Rask dropbox here.
8) AF Speed?
Nothing is final yet, but from first quick hands on videos (shared in this article), it looks pretty damn fast. It’s at least as fast as on the Fujifilm X-T2, if not faster. Wow!!!
9) EVF, D’OH
If you were hoping to use the monumental EVF on your Fujifilm GFX50S/R, then nope, that won’t work. The new viewfinder will work only on the Fujifilm GFX100. The EVF tilt adapter, though, is compatible.
10) The mysterious submonitor under the LCD screen
The submonitor under the regualr LCD screen can display 6 or 8 items. The idea is to clean up your LCD screen by moving items/information to the submonitor. You can also set it as live histogram.
11) Hold the Door!
The door that gives access to the various USB, HDMI etc ports is (sadly) not removable like on the Fujifilm X-T3. I’d have loved to have it removable.
12) 400 Megapixel pixel shift
DPRTV has been told by Fujifilm, that there is no technical reason, why pixel shift multishot can’t be implemented in the Fujifilm GFX100. This would give up to 400 megapixel files.
FujiRumors already leaked months ago, that Fujifilm is working on it, but it won’t be ready for the GFX100 launch. It’s just a matter of time (and especially resources) ;).
13) Good bye Super Full Frame
Interesting to note Fujifilm gave up on the marketing name “super full frame”. They now call the GFX100 a “large format sensor camera“.
6×7 users will complaint that it is not large format. But then the 4×5 crowd will say that 6×7 is not large enough. At the end of the day, 8×10 shooters will just spank them all, and say that only 8×10 is worthy to be called “large”.
So, whatever Fuji calls the GFX sensor, they will earn shitstorm. For my taste, “large sensor” is good, if we consider that its sensor is 70% larger than 35mm.
14) Pre-Order now, Get it in June/July
The Fujifilm GFX100 is now available for pre-order at B&H Photo, AmazonUS, Adorama and Focuscamera.
Shipping is scheduled for the end of June, if everything goes like planed.
The one thing that does not go like planed, though, are pre-orders. It looks like the Fujifilm GFX100 had a great start, and hence, the more you wait to pre-order, the longer you will have to wait for it to be shipped. But that’s relevant only for those, who’d like to get it right in time for their summer holidays. All the others can wait no problem.
Fujifilm GFX 100: B&H Photo, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera, CalumetDE, ParkcamerasUK, JessopsUK, PCHstore
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