4½ Great Reasons Why the Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 Exists (NOT Shallower DOF) and Differences to 56mmF1.2 (APD)

Fujinon XF50mm f/1.0 So, the Fujinon XF50mm f/1.0 R WR has just been announced: XF50mmF1.0 in USA: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera XF50mmF1.0 in EU: AmazonDE, CalumetDE, WexUK, ParkcamerasUK, JessopsUK, AmazonUK, PCHstore Sure, the big eye-catcher is that “EFF-ONE-POINT-ZERO”, which makes it worlds first mirrorless f/1.0 lens with autofocus. But what if I told you, that … Continue reading 4½ Great Reasons Why the Fujinon XF50mmF1.0 Exists (NOT Shallower DOF) and Differences to 56mmF1.2 (APD)