VOTE :: The Ultimate Fujifilm GF Lens Poll – Let Fuji know What You Want!
The Future of GFX in 30 Lenses
Back in January I asked you to tell us in the comments what you wish in terms of future GF lenses.
You answered by dropping lots of lens suggestions in the comments.
It was not easy, but I’ve condensed your wishes into 30 lenses.
Some lenses might sound a bit unconventional, but they are merger of several wishes.
be Careful what you Wish for (f/2.8 zooms?)
The list includes three zoom lenses with an f/2.8 aperture.
I am not sure if everybody is fully aware of what f/2.8 means on GFX. So let me clarify.
I get it, the typical high end workhorse full frame zoom lenses are f/2.8.
But in order to get the shallow depth of field of an f/2.8 full frame lens on the GFX system, you actually need “only” f/3.5 on GFX. In fact, current f/4 GF lenses are already quite close to those full frame f/2.8 lenses (f/4 on GFX gives f/3.16 DOF on FF).
So what you ask for, if you vote for f/2.8 GFX zooms, are zoom lenses with a full frame equivalent f/2.2 DOF. And to get an idea what that means in terms of size and price check out the Canon RF 28-70mm f/2 L, one of the very rare mirrorless zoom lenses (if not the only one?) that is faster than f/2.8.
I personally don’t want such lenses. As an f/4 GF zoom lens owner myself, I can say f/4 is more than enough for my needs. It’s close enough to f/2.8 full frame zooms, and if you want something faster, then for my needs it’s better to go the prime lens path.
But it’s your survey, your recommendations, so the list will include f/2.8 lenses.
But my Dream Lens is…
Maybe your dream lens might not be in the list, but you might find something similar to it. Drop the vote on the lens that is closest to your wish.
VOTE NOW – The Ultimate GF Lens Wish Survey