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Fujifilm X-M5 Autofocus Test Tidbits


It’s still not easy to find proper autofocus test regarding the Fujifilm X-M5.

So all we have for now are little tidbits here and there, mainly coming from Asian countries, which are traditionally the main market for the X-M (or perviously the X-A) line.

I will share two videos below.

The first is (I think) a Chinese video. Click the play button below to start the video right at the AF section. Here is what we can notice and what the guy said:

  • lens used: Fujinon XF 33mmF1.4
  • cat tracking seems to work fine also when the cat moves in a busy space and behind some obstacles
  • the guy runs towards the camera and says (if the translation is accurate), that the accuracy is 80-90%, with most of the images out of focus only when the subject was very close to the camera
  • it seems that the entire episode is filmed on X-M5

The second video comes from Brazil. I share it because the reviewer covers half of his face with the hand, but the X-M5 does not get distracted and keeps focus on the eye. In fact, you can see the eye box jump to the left eye as soon as the right eye is covered by the hand. So at least this issue seems to be solved.

In a third video below we see the AF tracking in video, which does not look very convincing. Or, as the autor of the video, Matt, said: “Personally think [autofocus] it’s not as bad as some people were worried about, but definitely still not perfect.”

First conclusion: it’s better in tracking cats than humans :)

Of course I am kidding. We really do not have many elements in our hands to make a proper judgement. But the Fujifilm X-M5 should ship in about 10 days (November 21 according to stores), so I guess soon enough we will have a much better understanding of its AF performance.

And maybe we will get the promised autofocus firmware update before that, so that we can judge the new AF on our own 5th generation cameras.
