X-T1: price about 180,000 Yen, XF 18-135 will be weather sealed and in stores mid February?
The first information about the price comes from Japan: 180,000 Yen (body only), says digicame-info (tranlsation). The release is scheduled for mid-February. The kit lens will be the 18-55. The zoom lens XF 18-135 will be weather sealed.
I also got an email with the following information:
“X-T1 in store is on Feb 10~15th. The price of X-T1 is about $1,800 only body. EVF is not Organic EL but so incredible. Kit-lens is XF18-55mm F2.8-4. Body size is smaller than X-E2. X-Trans CMOS2 & EXR Procceser existant. I think too expensive it’s price.”
I think the source converted the price from Yen in Dollars. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a lower price tag on the X-T1. Converted in Euro it would be €1,276. Anyway, take all this with a grain of salt.
Here is the updated specs list. I’ve put everything in there:
- announcement January 28th (trusted source)
- bigger (extra-large) and better (high performance) EVF / (trusted + anonymous sources)
- APS-C X-Trans sensor II (16MP) / (trusted + anonymous sources)
- support for the UHS-II SD-card for super-fast writing speed / (trusted sources)
- 8fps with AF tracking / (trusted source)
- weather sealed body / (trusted sources)
- tilt screen (source who was right in the past, but not yet upgraded to trusted source)
- SLR-type (Fujica) design / (source who was right in the past, but not yet upgraded to trusted source)
- name: X-T1 / (anonymous source + Fujifilm)
- smaller than the X-E2 (anonymous source)
- 18-55 kit lens (anonymous source + other rumor sites)
- 18-135 will be weather sealed (other rumor sites)
- in stores mid-February (other rumor sites + anonymous source)
- price range between X-E and X-PRO line / (new and anonymous sources)
- priced at 180,000 yen (other rumor sites) or $1,8000 (anonymous source)
- additional battery grip / (anonymous source)
- faster AF then X-E2 / (new source) [I think that this source confused faster writing speed with faster AF-speed]
FR-reader Andrej compared X-E2 with X-T1: