Lightroom 5.4 with Fuji X-T1 support + Adobe Lightroom Mobile for iPad!
It’s not a rumor anymore, it’s a fact: LR 5.4 with X-T1 support is here (thanks a lot to the brand new source, who decided to share the Lightroom 5.4 rumor with the FR-community).
You can download it at Adobe’s page (Mac / Windows). LR 5.4 adds support for the Fuji X-T1 and Fuji’s film simulations.
Well, I shared the rumor and you are free share your considerations about LR5.4 in the comments.
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The Lightroom Family is growing: the company just officially released Adobe Lightroom Mobile (for Creative Cloud Subscribers). Limited features but still a nice tool to quickly and easily edit your images on you iPad.
Patrick (facebook, google+ and twitter)
video at Adobe’s website