LA GRANDE FINALE: Last X-shooter facebook TOP LIKED images of 2014!
Roy Cruz: “Look Up” Fuji X100S + TCL by Roy Cruz Photo
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Last selection of the most liked images over at the Fujirumors facebook photostream in the year 2014… enjoy the X-shots ;)
And keep it up, share and vote your absolute favorite X-shot… and here is how to do it:
1) SHARE: go to the Fujirumors facebook timeline and submit your favorite X-shot (and a short description) in the timeline by selecting “Photo/Video” .
2) VOTE & COMMENT: All the images will be displayed at the Fujirumors facebook photostream. You can vote & comment the images there.
NOTE: Next selection will start from those images shared starting from December 23.
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Mark Leong: I took this pic on the way to work minutes after sunrise. — at 7 Train Queens Boro Plaza.
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Robert Lowe: Mobius Arch is located in the eastern Sierra Nevada foothills below Mt. Whitney, highest peak in the continental US. This shot was taken during a full moon at midnight in May of this year with a Rokinon 8mm and XE-2, 7.5″ exposure at f/8 with a handheld orange filtered flash unit.
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Stefan Neagu: © Stefan Neagu – photographer X-T1, 23mm
Push the READ MORE button, to see more Top Liked images
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Ata Mohammad Adnan: X-E2 + Zeiss 12mm f/2.8. Glasgow photos with X-E2 up on my blog:
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Micha El: Heavy rain during the past few days created this stream of water running over a bunch of fallen autumn leaves, shaping the water into a beautiful but never consistent formation. Taken with Fuji XE-1 and 18-55.
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Jorge Moro: NYC From The East River Fuji X-T1, 18-55, 20 Seconds, F11, JPEG SOOC processed in SilverEfexPro2 — with Kristina Moro.
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Peter Manship: Hand held, here is the story..
I was out shooting with my Fuji XT-1 with the 18-55 kit lens just as the sun went down. I have wanted to see what this amazing mirrorless piece of technology could do….This image was taken between 7:30 – 8pm EST last night… HAND HELD using a super high ISO setting just to see what the camera could do….and boy was I surprised, not only is it sharp but auto white balance setting yielded beautiful color and the correct white light color…but most surprising is the fact that at 3200 ISO there isn’t any noise. I continue to be very impressed with this cameras performance. You might say, what does all this mean? It matters because, I always want to have the best tools for capturing images with in my hands. I did this test not knowing what I would get for a result. What I found out I don’t think I could match even with my Nikon D800 (a great Camera in its own right) thats what is very surprising to me… would have to look long and hard to match the Fuji XT-1’s performance and it’s a beautiful jpeg image file straight out of camera ….Note: I am not sponsored but Fuji film in case your wondering, This is just to give someone out there the info that might make a difference
I call this image..:”Happy Holidays on the farm Vermont style”,
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Jorge Moro: Jacob and Mommy Fuji X-T1, 18-55, 1/30th F4, ISO 400, 1:1 JPEG SOOC in SEPro II
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Jorge Moro: These images are of the famous Rockland Maine Lobster Tree. The “building” of this behemoth is accomplished by volunteers in the weeks leading up to the Thanksgiving Weekend lighting event. The tree building is now in it’s eleventh year! New lobster traps are provided by a company that manufacturers them; they are stacked and then zip tied together. Keep in mind each trap is approximately 40 pounds. The garland and lights are added as are the lobster floats. Each lobsterman in town is represented by one float. At the end of the holidays there is a $50.00 raffle that will win you ALL the lobster traps! Santa arrives on Friday after Thanksgiving; this year he arrived in a gorgeous 1953 Red Convertible Thunderbird. Last year: trolley. There is free hot cider, hot chocolate for everyone; Christmas caroling, bands, Santa’s workshop for the kids; and at 6pm after a countdown Santa lights up the tree! Kids absolutely love this event, and so do the adults, me included. This is my third year attending.
If you want to see how this tree is actually put up TMC had a special you can watch on you tube here:
It’s only 5 minutes, well worth watching