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DOUBLE X-PERT CORNER: XF 16-55mmF2.8 First Look Tomorrow (around midnight in NY) + 56 VS 56 APD very soon!


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I’m pleased to announce that Rico Pfirstinger is right now working on a 56mm vs 56mm APD comparison, that will go online as soon as Rico finished it.

And even more, he told me that he is working on a First Look that will go online tomorrow, January 6th. Now, given the fact that trusted sources told me that the XF 16-55mmF2.8 WR will be announced tomorrow, you can guess what the first look will be about.

The time? Usually Fuji announces new gear at around midnight NY-time. I know it exactly, because every time there is a new product launch, I change the schedule of lessons with my colleagues in order to have a bit more time to make the live blogging in the morning here in Europe… but this time I’m still on holiday ;)

Oh yes, the live blogging. I’ll be here, ready to start it as soon as the lens will be announced (around midnight in New York). I’ll provide you with everything that’s worth to be known about this lens by constantly updating the live blogging with fresh links and useful information about it… but I guess that, as usual, it’s here on Fujirumors that you’ll find the best overview/first look about this lens, thanks to Rico’s X-Pert Corner Special! So stay tuned.
