Fujifilm X-T3 Autofocus April Firmware 3.0 vs Current X-T3 Firmware (VIDEO) with Face Select Function!
At the Fujifilm X Summit in Dubai, Fujifilm has shown a lot of stuff, from futuristic Fujiflm GFX modular camera concepts to future lenses. They also asked people to vote on X and G mount lens roadmaps and firmware updates.
And speaking of firmware updates, Fujifilm has announced Fujifilm X-T3 firmware 3.0, which will improve autofocus and more (see screenshot below).
Just click on the video above, and it will start exactly where Fujifilm compares the current Fujifilm X-T3 firmware with the upcoming one.
Fujifilm also said they will give us the opportunity to switch between faces! Yes!
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Fujifilm officially asked which firmware priority they should have. Vote the Fujifilm survey down below.