Annie Leibovitz & Prince Harry are X(100)-shooters! :: And why limit your possibilities (X100/S/T) increases your freedom!
There must be something right with the Fuji’s, if (like Ara Güler) even the probably worlds highest-paid celebrity photographer, Annie Leibovitz, decided to buy one! And we welcome also Prince Harry to the Fuji X-shooter club.
It looks like both chose the X100 series. I doubt that, but just in the extremely remote case Annie Leibovitz or Prince Harry are reading this, I’d be glad to host here on FR the story about why you decided to get a Fuji X camera.
For me it’s no big surprise that they went for the X100 series… Why? Well, please pardon me a little digression (but aren’t digressions the essence of every conversation ;) ?).
A few years ago I’ve read Jonathan Franzen’s book “Freedom” (a good read, especially Patty’s biography chapter). Patty is a women with all the freedom to do what she wants. But, in fact, all this accumulation of possibilities, all these chaotic opportunities, make her unhappy (and depressive).
Long story short: do you know when she really starts to feel better? It’s when she takes her decisions. For Patty, making a choice (and therefore reducing her possibilities) was extremely liberating.
And I think that’s what makes the X100 series so fascinating. Sure, this camera reduces your opportunities (one lens / focal length), but at the same time it liberates you: no time lost with changing lenses, no distracting thoughts about which focal lenght to use, no extra weight to carry around. Nothing else to worry about than to get that shot with the one camera / lens you hold in your hands… and let your creative energy flow.
Sometimes, reducing your possibilities doesn’t mean reducing your freedom, but, on the contrary, you increase it… and I ask you, dear X100/S/T shooters, if you experience this kind of freedom too, when you use your camera.
thanks for all the links, guys!
I wish you a great weekend,
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X100S (save $450 – black version): BHphoto (free SD card and bag)
X100T – USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / EUROPE: WexUK / WexDE / PCHstore / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro
image courtesy: telegraph / dailymail / spiegel.de