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BREAKING: Your Most Wanted Fujinon Lens is Coming in 2025 !!!


→ In Short: you can think of it as the merger of these two lenses

Last year Fujifilm asked us which one is our most wanted lens.

And there was one lens, who won the survey hands down by a very large margin.

The very same lens also won our own mega lens survey back in 2022.

Well, according to our trusted sources (THANKS) Fujifilm will launch exactly that lens in 2025.

So, the lens that Fujifilm will release is the Fujinon XF 23mm pancake lens.

Of course I will now work to find out all possible details about the upcoming Fujinon XF23mm pancake lens, but it is nice to see Fujifilm answering to our needs and delivering exactly the lens we want most.

Last but not least, the biggest question of all: will this now make Stealthy Ninja sell all his XF23mmF2 units? ;)

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