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Fujifilm X-Pro 2 and XF 23mm f2 Go to Cuba
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guest post by Serge – srglevin.com
Previous guest post by Serge
- Just Another Fuji Convert, From Trying Every Other System – Read here
My name is Serge and I’ve written a guest feature before, about adopting the fuji system, in particular using the Fuji X-Pro2 my personal life, street photography, as well as concert photography.
This time I’ve had the chance to put it through an intensive, 1 week photo trip to Havana, Cuba. I paired my x-pro 2 with a fuji 23mm f2, creating a fast focusing, light, reliable, comfortable and even weather sealed combo.
What it created is really that feeling when youre not even thinking about the camera, when you can just be immersed into whats happening around you, which in turn appears to lead to better images. Gear annoyances can take you out of that zone, and fuji x-pro 2 with 23mm f2 allowed for an immersive experience. What is also interesting, is that i ended up using mostly SOOC jpegs or built in profiles for editing. Throughout the whole trip, I’ve only wished for a tilt screen for the x-pro 2. Now that I’ve purchased a fuji X100F, i still feel like the x-pro 2 combo was just a little more responsive and robust.
Although it sounds a little hokey, i really enjoyed walking around Havana with the x-pro 2 and 23mm f2, feeling as much of a bond as one can have with a piece of equipment :).
Please find the images from my trip below!
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