Brandon Remler (Click here) is one of the first to show us some image samples taken with the new Fuji X-E1. He also tested the Leica 90mm Summicron on the new X-E1 (Click here to see these shots): “The camera works great with focus peeking at both 3x and 10x magnification. The EVF is bright and sharp!”
Finally the new Fuji stuff has been announced and here is the post with all you need to know about the new cameras and lenses. I am continually updating the article and including new links to reviews and preorders!
Fuji X-E1 Hands-On Preview by CameraStoreTV. First look by Fujiguys. Introducing the X-E1 by FujiUK. X-E1 in action by FujiUK. In action part two by FujiUK.
EISA announced the winners of the EISA award. The video on top has been realized by EISA to epxlain the reasons why the X PRO 1 won in the category “Best European Professional Compact System Camera“.