Starting from 2025, the Fujifilm X100VI cameras sold in Japan will come in only two languages: Japanese and English.
That’s something we have already seen with the Fujifilm X-M5, which also comes in Japanese and English in Japan as we reported here.
So keep that in mind if you plan on buying the X100VI in Japan and your native language is not English or Japanese.
Fujifilm offers a paid language addition service, in case you need it.
As FR-reader Speed pointed out in our X-M5 article here:
these are countermeasure to prevent malicious scalpers taking advantage of the weak yen ( and tax free ). I think this is just a measure to prevent malicious scalpers from reselling. This is not surprising. There are too many malicious scalpers who buy cameras in Japan and then resell them to China.
As annoying as this might sound, ultimately this is an attempt to protect genuine customers. And with “genuine” I mean customers who buy gear to use it, and not those who buy multiple cameras with the sole purpose to resell it at a higher price.
In theory, Fujifilm could not care less: a camera sold to a scalper brings them just as much money as a camera sold to a genuine photography lover. But it is nice to see they do try to find ways to make life a bit more difficult to scalpers.
Language settings for the high-end compact digital camera “FUJIFILM X100VI”