Zack is Back… X-T1 quick first impressions: “The new king of the hill for the Fuji X lineup.”


1) Zack is back! And he’s right now testing the X-T1. Here are his first impressions… the full review will follow soon. Among the others, he says:

As soon as I smashed my face against that camera and looked through the EVF I was sold. This EVF is the greatest I’ve ever seen. It’s HUGE. It’s fast. And as much as I love my X-Pro1, as much as I prefer the form of the X-Pro1, as much as I love the OVF — The X-T1 has replaced it in my bag.”

2) Control all your settings and focus with touch screen, using your tablet… and also look at how fast it focusses in the very poor light with the 56mm attached. Check out this youtube video.

X-T1 Vertical Battery Grip ($ 249,99): USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / EU: wexDE / wexUK /
X-T1 Hand Grip ($129.95): USA: AmazonUS / Bhphoto / Adorama / EU: wexUk / wexDE



X-T1 (kit) in stock at AmazonUS!… and one more award (photoxels)

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The already multi-awarded X-T1 is now in stock at AmazonUS here (kit version). [UDPATE: now sold by third party] [UDPATE: limited number also available at ebayUS [shoplink 22214 ebay]here[/shoplink], [shoplink 22215 ebay]here[/shoplink] and [shoplink 22216 ebay]here[/shoplink] .]

X-T1 roundup

– The X-T1 is highly recommended also by photoxels here: “The Fujifilm X-T1 is a thoughtfully designed digital camera that is a joy to use and produces excellent image quality that rivals and even bests that of some enthusiast and top-end DSLRs. With its superb handling, direct control dials, intelligently designed viewfinder, weather-proofing, it is impossible not to revel in a perfect example of how cameras (retro or otherwise) should be built and operated. Highly recommended.”

soundimageplus‘ X-T1 just arrived. Read his first impressione here: “You could sell an organ and buy a Nikon D4 and sell another one for the team of sherpas to carry your gear around. You could buy a Nikon Df and a brown paper bag to put the camera in so that people don’t burst out laughing when they walk past you and then again you could buy an X-T1. […] It is nothing less than professional mirrorless in my book. Professional because it is designed to let the photographer control it rather than it control the photographer. It offers choices and simplicity and is well-thought out and well implemented. Time to get real? I just did.

– Fujifilm X-T1 Field Test Images at outbackphoto here.

– The first set of photographs taken with the Fuji X-T1 of Stockografie here.


feel free to support Fujirumors by using one of the links below to purchase your camera. No extra costs for you, but a small commission is valued back to this blog. Thanks for your support

X-T1 body only ($1,299): USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline / EU: wexDE / wexUK / PCHstore /
X-T1 with 18-55 ($1,699): USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline / EU: wexDE / wexUK / PCHstore /
X-T1 Vertical Battery Grip ($ 249,99): USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / EU: wexDE / wexUK /
X-T1 Hand Grip ($129.95): USA: AmazonUS / Bhphoto / Adorama / EU: wexUk / wexDE

X-shooter zone: “colorless impressions”

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Hide and seek

Maurizio S

Monochrome Street Photography (shared on google+). Fuji X – Pro 1  18mm

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[posted earlier today: Video: XF 56mm + X-T1 quick focus speed test here.]

There is a time for the rumors, a time for the reviews, a time for the X-T1 delivery check… and then there is a time to (finally) go out and take photographs. That’s what I’ll do now on this sunny and mild Sunday.

And to keep the spirit of today’s X-shooter zone, I’ll take black&white shots only. That’s my “limitation of the day”.

So here are some more X-shots from X-shooters all around the world. There are many ways to share your passion and shots with FR. Via email (, google+twitter and keep up sharing also on the FR-facebook wall.

enjoy your Sunday

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Sadaqat Ali

My daughter learning how to expose for the sky with FujiFilm X100. Shot with XPro1, 35mm f/1.4 at f/1.4 and 1/500 sec. (FR-facebook wall).

Sadaqat Ali

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Arlindo Namour Filho

Hello Patrick.

I´ve being working a lot with Fuji cameras and getting better on it more and more. My Mirrorless Photography Blog is now in english also.

Today I posted a Brides Fashion Parade that I shot with my X100S and in black and white.
Very interesting results. Take a look at:

Best wishes and have a good week.

Arlindo Namour Filho

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Paulo Pinto

Black&White photography is my favorite way of express myself. The absence of color gives me the necessary abstraction for a truly unveiling of the world… without influences…

That’s why I would like to share with Fuji Rumors followers my 2014’s project: Colorless Impressions

All photohraphs taken with Fuji X-E1 and X100s.

The project’s website is hosted at tumblr and can be found at

Paulo Pinto

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Stephan Geyer

Hi There!

I’ve been an avid follower of your site ever since the X100 came out (and I subsequently started drooling at it). Since then, I’ve made the move from a Canon full frame system and a few L lenses (and a lot of RAW reliance) to the X-Pro1 and 35/1.4, 18/2.0 lenses.

Ever since the release of the Leica Monochrom as well, I have been thinking about the effect that a fully monochrome camera could have on my photography, the comfort level I would have to overcome and the change it would bring to my prespective of the scene I’m photographing.

Before you wonder; no, I have not bought a Leica Monochrom as I am still not made of money.

The other realisation I came to recently was that the JPEGs coming out of my X-Pro1 were by far cleaner, sharper and had better noise performance than anything I could ever achieve out of the X-Pro1 RAW files and Lightroom. So the conclusion? I’ve decided to shoot my X-Pro1 one in JPEG only, BW film emulation only and do some very light retouching in Lightroom (yes, the Dynamic Range in these JPEGs is that good).

In my latest blog-post, you can find my the outcome of my first trip using nothing but in-camera JPEG and in BW; in Istanbul, Turkey.

Hope you enjoy it and keep up the great work!

Stephan Geyer

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Michiel Kostermans

Hi Patrick,

Since I saw the X-E1 I knew this is the one. I waited 3/4 years to let it drop in price. For me it is the perfect combination of quality and size. I always take my camera with me. I started do do a self study project. I found a beatiful book The Visual Toolbox from David duChemin. It’s about learning visual tools to add to your toolbox. I learn a tool every week. So i force myself to make 3 good prictures and publish hem on Flickr
I hop from one chapter to another, just what i like, and practice the visual tool for a week. Inspiring and fun!!

Af course i also studied Rico Pfirstingers book as a technical basis. But this book from David is different from anything i read before, Stop looking for gear (although difficult wiht the beatiful line up of lenses from Fuji) and study, study, study. Have fun.

Maybe there are more people who can get inspired by the self study idea or would like to join a Flickr group.


Michiel Kostermans

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Bruno Trematore

Hi Patrick,

My story is the following: I was enthusiast about my first Nikon DSLR back in 2007, until during my first long trip with it I started experiencing pain at my shoulder. During that trip I bought a second hand F3 and switched back to film. I kept shooting film on Nikon F3 and Leica M6 until 2012, when I tried an X100. The camera is quirky sometimes, but its small size and excellent image quality more than compensate for the occasional lost shot. I have also learned that it is better to learn to live with the shortcomings of a certain camera and  overcome then, rather than changing every year. My travel bag restrictions are hard sometimes, but the X100 fits everywhere, making it an ideal companion for travel as well as everyday life.

I have spent quite some amount of time in ordering and editing the photos, seeing how they work next to each other, escaping the paradigma of the “best shot”. The blurb books make the whole projects shine in a completely different way in comparison to the website.

Tokyo (implications)
Bruno Trematore

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At the FR-reader facebook wall Clive wrote: “Just thought I would add a shot I took a few weeks back using my X100…”


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X-T1 + 18-135 already available for pre-order in Canada for $1,900 (Henry’s)

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X-T1 body only ($1,299): USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline / EU: wexDE / wexUK / PCHstore /
X-T1 with 18-55 ($1,699): USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline / EU: wexDE / wexUK / PCHstore /

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Henry’s in Canada is already taking pre-orders on the X-T1 + 18-135 WR lens for $1,900. See more here.

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Eric Bouvet (facebook) took some images of the anti-government protests in Kiev with the X-T1 and X-Pro1. See his great images here.

– Fujifilm X-T1 ~ The Evolution Continues at kevinmullinsphotography here: “This Fuji X-T1 is without doubt going to be a prime body for me when I shoot weddings.  Coupled with the 56mm F1.2 lens I am indeed, a very happy jetlagged bunny.

– The 56mm and a little bit more of the X-T1 at neillsoden here: “The AF performed well, and I was happy with it for my needs. The AF-C is something to get used to and almost felt like a hit-and-miss at times. However, most of the time I was impressed when an object moved away from or towards me.  I did try the AF on some small birds. Now, I am no bird photographer, and can’t really compare it to the a DSLR, but in my own opinion, I doubt it will work for bird or sport photography just yet.”

moslake: “More tests for the capability of Fujifilm X-T1 with XF 56mm f1.2 under varying low and colorful lights. All are SOOC (Straight Out Of Camera) JPG without any adjustment. Link here. X-T1: Focusing speed is similar to 1DX/5D3 in low light. Accurate in color balance and capable to deliver Straight Out Of Camera JPGs. Quality similar to 1DX/5D3 in low light.”

– X-T1 review at danbaileyphoto here: “If you’re not ready to dump the DSLR yet, (I’m not either) the X-T1 makes an excellent companion camera for those times when you want to save on weight and bulk, but still need the performance of a pro grade camera. Maybe you’ll shoot the DSLR for some things and use the X-T1 for traveling and times when you want to go light. You’ll probably find yourself using the DSLR less and less.”

– Polish test at fotopolis here (translation).

XF 56mm shipping in Japan! (+ £250 voucher for the WR 18-135 in UK?)

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XF 56mm f/1.2: USA AmazonUS / BHphoto / AdoramaDigitalRev / – EUROPE: wexUK / wexDE / PCHstore / DigitalRev

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Yesterday FR-reader Roger told us that a Japanese store just shipped his XF56mm… and today “The Green Balbo” (website: grittymonkey) shared an image on the FR-twitter account with the following image :-).

[UDPATE: Damien (grittymonkey) continues to diligentely share his findings on youtube: for the UHS-II vs UHS-I video click here, for the manual focus video here.]

Another FR-reader (moslake) shared in the comments to a previous post his Flickr (here) with his initial impression of Fujinon XF56 F1.2. “I’m ecstatic to find out that XF 56 delivers very beautiful bokeh. It wins hands down!” [admin: On his Flickr he compared it with the [shoplink 22141]Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II[/shoplink]. But it would have been better done with an 1.8 lens on a FF, as the Fujinon 1.2 is a 1.8 equivalent. To see more images of the beautiful bokeh of the 56mm, I recommend you to check out Rico’s first look here.]

RUMOR: An anonymous source, who said to work for a UK store, told me that: “the X-T1 body (not the kit) had a sticker for an offer where if the person registers the camera they can receive a £250 discount voucher for the XF18-135mm weather resistant lens when it comes out. Have you seen anyone else, uk or otherwise, have this same offer as it seems like no one has mentioned this yet.” The rumor is now confirmed by drphotorumor and another FR-reader too.

have a nice day,
facebook, google+ and twitter

The Green Balbo via twitter

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XF 56mm f/1.2: USA AmazonUS / BHphoto / AdoramaDigitalRev / – EUROPE: wexUK / wexDE / PCHstore / DigitalRev