Merry X-mas to all X-shooters and FR-readers!

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A quick post, just to wish merry X-mas and happy holidays to the small niche of X-shooters out there and to every FR-reader. Enjoy your day and take some nice shots with your X today! My X-E2 is fully charged and ready to be used ;-).

take care,
 photo Patrick_zpse517a3cc.png facebook, google+ and twitter

P.S.: Thanks Tom Grill (website) for sending me the image to share with the FR-community. And if there is someone with a nice image to share for New Year, you know how to contact me.

XF 10-24 pre-orders now also at Adorama!

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XF10-24 pre-orders
feel free to support FR by purchasing the lens through the link provided on this blog. No extra costs for you.

USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline / DigitalRev / EUROPE: DigitalRev / PCHstore / AmazonDE / AmazonUK / WexUK

Just a quick note for those FR-readers who are used to pre-order their gear through Adorama. The store has the XF 10-24 available for pre-order here. At the moment there is a typo, and the lens is listed as “XC” lens (it’s an XF lens).

Remember also: the deadline is near… the crazy X-deals expire very soon here at AmazonUS, at BHphoto here and at Adorama here (you can save up to $1,400 on ALL XF-lenses bundled also with the brand new X-E2 body!). – Valid through December 24.

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XF10-24 pre-orders now avaiblable at AmazonUS and BHphoto (released March 15)!

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PRE-ORDERS (and support FR)

This is the moment where you can support FR. If you like to stop by this blog once in a while and appreciatiate the rumors, the news and more, feel free to use one of the links below to pre-order your lens and to support this blog. Fujirumors will get a small commision on your purchase. It won’t cost you a single penny extra on your lens… and you will allow me to continue to keep you up to date with all the X-world rumors and news.

Many thanks in advance to anyone who decides to support Fujirumors in this way.

At the moment the lens is available for pre-order at AmazonUS and at BHphoto for $999!  Pictureline has it listed for $1,100 here (but no pre-order availble at the moment). The lens will be released on the 15th of March at AmazonUS.

USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline / DigitalRev / EUROPE: DigitalRev / PCHstore / AmazonDE / AmazonUK / WexUK

Roger, thanks again!


Download the new firmware for your X-E2, X-E1, X-PRO1 and X100S now!

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[XF 10-24 pre-orders: USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline / DigitalRev / EUROPE: DigitalRev / PCHstore / AmazonDE / AmazonUK / wexphotographic]

Fuji manager Mr. Kawahara said it here: “We want you to use our camera longer and longer in your life.” That’s the way, Mr Kawahara, that’s Kaizen! Thanks.

And here are the firmware links you’ve waited for: X-PRO1 ver. 3.10 / X-E1 ver.2.10 /  X-E2 ver.1.10 / X100S ver.1.10

Improvements on the X-E1: – New functionality allowing you to edit image file names – See the exposure setting in live-view and histogram – Change of numbering for images shot using continuous shooting – Aperture and shutter speed can be changed once AE lock is selected – The default and maximum sensitivity and minimum shutter speed can be set when ISO AUTO is selected – Improvement of RAW file conversion function

Download, test and share your findings in the comments.

NOTE: If you have problems to see the new firmware then you probably have to clean the cache! The easiest way is described in Rico’s X-pert corner post “Tips for Updating your Firmware”: “just delete your browser cache or force your browser to reload and refresh the page by, for example, holding the Alt or Option key while clicking on Reload.

You will find tips like this and much more in Rico’s new book “Mastering the Fujifilm X-E1 and X-Pro1 (use code FUJIRUMORS to save 35%!)


 photo Patrick_zpse517a3cc.png  facebook, google+, twitter


XF 10-24 announced! Press-release and price $1000 (new hand grip announced too)

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PR-ORDER (and support FR)

XF 10-24 pre-orders: USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline / DigitalRev / EUROPE: DigitalRev / PCHstore / AmazonDE / AmazonUK / wexphotographic


– Press release at digitalcamerareview: “available in March 2014 for $999.95.”

ephotozine press release here: “The lens will be available from March 2014 in the UK, at an SRP of £849.99.”

dslrmagazine press release (Spanish) here.

photoscala press release (Geman) here. The price will be of €999.

hand grip: “Fujifilm Corporation (President: Shigehiro Nakajima) has announced that it will release two new hand grips, the MHG-XPRO and MHG-XE, which provide enhanced grip and hold for the X-Pro1 and X-E1/E2, plus allow access to the battery and memory card slot without removing the grip.” Press release here.

Press release at Fujifillm‘s global website here.

FUJIFILM Corporation (President: Shigehiro Nakajima) is proud to announce the launch of the FUJINON XF10-24mmF4 R OIS lens compatible with all Fujifilm X mount compact system cameras.

The new FUJINON XF lens is a 2.4x zoom lens — equivalent to 15-36mm in 35mm format. Its ultra wide to standard focal length capabilities make it the perfect choice for shooting dynamic, high impact landscapes images with maximum detail from the foreground to the far distance. It also comes into its own when shooting interiors, making small rooms look more impressive, while the maximum F4.0 aperture that is available throughout the zoom range, enables handheld shooting even in low light conditions.

Fujifilm’s introduction of the FUJINON XF10-24mmF4 R OIS means its X mount series can now boast (in 35mm equivalent) focal length options ranging from 15mm to 350mm.

Key features on the FUJINON XF10-24mm lens

  • Newly designed optical system with 4 high-precision aspherical lenses and 3 extra low dispersion glass lenses which maximize performance of the X-Trans sensor.
  • A powerful Optical Image Stabilization function which boosts the ability to work handheld when shooting in low light.
  • Ghosting is minimized by Fujifilm’s unique HT-EBC* multi-layer coating that is applied to all sides of FUJINON lenses.
  • An additional newly developed coating has been added to the reverse side of the front lens in the XF10-24mm lens composition to further reduce the ghosting that typically occurs when using deep concave lenses.
  • Enhanced resolving power at all apertures when used in-conjunction with an X-series camera** that incorporates a Lens Modulation Optimizer (LMO) function.
  • Seven-blade aperture diaphragm that helps to create smooth and round bokeh effects.
  • The ability to shoot at an aperture of F4.0 from the lens’ ultra-wide 15mm focal length to its longest at 36mm.
  • A minimum working distance of 24cm means that with macro photography you can capture both the small foreground detail and the wider surroundings to give your subject greater context.
  • Its high-speed AF is achieved via its inner focusing system which drives smaller lenses in the middle or rear lens groups without moving the larger lenses in the front lens groups
  • Thanks to light weight internal lenses and the addition of a stepping motor, the XF10-24mm lens is also very quiet to use.
  • With its precision-made, responsive, and finely-tuned metal aperture and focus rings, you are ensured a superb handling experience.
Type XF10-24mmF4 R OIS
Lens configuration 14 elements in 10 groups (includes 4 aspherical and 3 extra low dispersion elements)
Focal length
(35mm format equivalent)
f=10 – 24mm
(15 – 36mm)
Angle of view 110° – 61.2°
Max. aperture F4
Min. aperture F22
Aperture control
  • Number of blades : 7(rounded diaphragm opening)
  • Step size : 1/3EV (16 steps)
Focus range
0.5m – ∞
24cm – 3m
Max. magnification 0.16x (Telephoto)
External dimensions : Diameter x Length* (approx.)
* distance from camera lens mount flange
ø78.0mm x 87mm(Wide) / 87mm(Telephoto)
Weight* (approx.)
*excluding caps and hoods
Filter size ø72mm