X-E2 black body now in stock at AmazonUS/DE + XF23mm in stock at Adorama and popflash

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1) The black X-E2 is in stock at AmazonUS (and still available at BHphoto). Other stores have other combinations available. Overall, the delivery of the X-E2 proceeds smoothly.

X-E2 – USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / AdoramaDigitalRev / Pictureline / ebay EUROPE: wexphotographicUK / DigitalRev / Fotomundus24 GER / PCHstore / AmazonDE (IN STOCK) / ebay

2) Much harder to find: the XF23mm. There is a limited number available again at Pictureline. FR-reader Roger just told me that it’s available also at Adorama here and at [shoplink 19411 ebay]top rated ebayUS reseller popflash[/shoplink]. Thanks Roger!

Fuji XF 23mm: [shopcountry 16128]

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X-E2 admiringlight review (and more) + black body in stock again at BHphoto

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The most wanted X-E2 combination, the black body, is in stock again at BHphoto, and only at BHphoto at the moment. You can get it here. In fact, BH has all combinations available now.

And don’t forget the crazy X-deals here at AmazonUS, at BHphoto here and at Adorama here (you can save up to $1,400 on the lenses bundled also with the brand new X-E2 body!).

X-E2 – USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / AdoramaDigitalRev / Pictureline / [shoplink 17992 ebay]ebay[/shoplink] EUROPE: wexphotographicUK / DigitalRev / Fotomundus24 GER / PCHstore / AmazonDE (via DR) / [shoplink 17992 ebay]ebay[/shoplink]


– The full admiringlight review is online here: “Overall image quality with the X-E2 is on a very high level. The low noise, great color and excellent dynamic range are combined with a sort of ‘it’ factor with the images, which have a depth that is unusually rich for an APS-C sensor. […] Fuji’s JPEGs are good enough that I don’t feel particularly limited if I choose to shoot JPEG. […] The Fujifilm X-E2 really has nothing aside from a lackluster video mode that holds it back in the mirrorless space.  If you’re a stills shooter like me, that’s a pretty minor point.  The Fujifilm X-E2 is a pleasure to shoot.  It is a responsive body with wonderful, focused controls, and the resulting images are outstanding.  Highly recommended.”

– FR-reader Vibranze took some shots with the X-E2 and the [shoplink 12946 ebay]Samyang fisheye lens[/shoplink]. See his Flickr here.

– Bert’s thoughts on the X-E2 at confessionsxl here: “The electronic viewfinders on most of the most recent cameras (including the X-E2) have come to the point were those technological limitations aren’t much of a problem anymore, if at all. They also offer the what-you-see-is-what-you-get advantage before you even have to push the shutter. I also noticed that the X-E2 can see in the dark. In very dark situations you can still see what’s happening in the viewfinder, that’s something even the clearest optical viewfinder of a DSLR can’t do.  I’m pretty confident that in a couple of years optical viewfinders will be a thing of the past or nothing more than a nostalgia feature.” And also here the question is: upgrade or not?

XQ1USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / AdoramaDigitalRev / [shoplink 17996 ebay]ebay[/shoplink] EUROPE: wexphotographicUK / DigitalRev / PCHstore / AmazonDE (via DR) / [shoplink 17996 ebay]ebay[/shoplink]

miXed zone: XQ1 in stock for $409, save $160 on X100S, X-E2 and 23mm reviews… and more!

Have a great Saturday… and keep up dreaming here ;)

 photo Patrick_zpse517a3cc.png  (facebook, google+ and twitter)


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XQ1 – USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / AdoramaDigitalRev / EUROPE: wexphotographicUK / DigitalRev / PCHstore / AmazonDE (via DR)

– Top rated Plus ebay reseller cameraland has both, the [shoplink 19210 ebay]black XQ1[/shoplink] and the [shoplink 19211 ebay]silver XQ1[/shoplink] available for $439 $409 [price dropped to $409], which is $10 $40 cheaper than anywhere else. Limited number available.

– Up to €70 cashback on the X-M1 and X-A1 for our French readers. Check it out here (via photoblogue)

Save $160 on the X100S and purchase the DEMO X100S at [shoplink 19200 ebay]top rated plus ebay reseller kenmorecamera here[/shoplink].

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Fuji-X meet-up

After the Italian Fuji X Series Club Italia, there is now also a Canadian meet-up in Toronto, the FujiTuesday. Join them here and see more about their first meeting. Do you know other meet-ups. Share them in the comments.

USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / AdoramaDigitalRev / Pictureline / EUROPE: wexphotographicUK / DigitalRev / Fotomundus24 GER / PCHstore / AmazonDE (via DR)

– At the FR-facebook page Bryan wrote: “I absolutely LOVE my Fuji X-E2, and here’s the story behind it. I also talk about why learning as a photographer is the most important thing you can do.” From the article: ” I am photographing 35% of my client work with my Fuji X-E2, and 100% of my personal work with it. I love everything about it from the image quality, the feel, and the mechanics of it to how it makes me think as a photographer.”

Tom Grill has now given the X-E2 a true pro workout in a beauty shoot. Here is a review of it and the results: “Two important changes in the X-E2 over the X-E1 made this shoot easier to pull off. The first was the ability to move the auto-focus point in AF-C (continuous focus) mode. When photographing models I strive for a pinpoint focus on the eyes, which means having a small focus point coupled with the ability to move it around for placement on the eye. The full screen grid of focus locations on the X-E2 was very helpful in achieving this. Most cameras have focus points congregating in a central area so it is sometimes hard to position one over an eye that is located in the corner of the image frame. The second important change was in the refresh rate of the EVF finder in the 3fps drive mode. This allowed me to actually see what was changing in almost real time.”

rafagarciaphoto brought his X-E2 in the pinewoods here: “I’m impressed with the shutter lag, there’s no such thing with this new camera. This is great for people who (like I do) shoot in the streets and for whom burst mode is not an option. No more missed shots because of that.”

– Japanese dc.watch review here (translation).

XF 23mm
[shopcountry 16128]

Admiringlight XF23mm review here: “It’s one of the most anticipated lenses for the system, and Fuji did not disappoint.  The XF 23mm f/1.4 is extremely sharp, and even provides high image sharpness at f/1.4 across the frame.  Bokeh is excellent and the lens has surprisingly few flaws in any category, with only a bit of chromatic aberration worth noting.  Autofocus is generally fast and accurate, though capable of hiccuping under the right circumstances.”

– Fuji vs Fuji… or better, X100S vs 23mm at fujivsfuji.com here: “Overall, the Fujinon 23/1.4 outperforms the X100S in my tests. This is to be expected given the lens retails for 70% of what the X100S does at the time of this writing. The X100S holds its own though. And this test doesn’t take into consideration the difference in size and weight yet.”

[shopcountry 12883]

photographyreview X100S review here: “It feels great, it’s fun to use, and the image quality is excellent. The X100S is a fabulous compact street, people and travel camera. There are smaller cameras with comparable features and performance, though ([shoplink 13349]Ricoh GR[/shoplink] and [shoplink 13071]Nikon Coolpix A[/shoplink]). What sets the X100S apart and makes it special the traditional rangefinder-style design with the hybrid viewfinder, the solid build, and the outstanding image quality.”

Dennis Berti says that the Fujifilm X100s is good not only Street Photography here: “I also tried twice to use the Fuji to shoot a wedding and I’m so happy with the final product. Nobody realized when you press the shutter, it’s so silent. And also the wedding guests don’t point at you as the photographer in charge but as a guest, because the small camera.”

findingrange XF23mm review here: “Here’s the bottom line: this is an amazing lens!  If you want a 35mm equivalent lens for your Fuji, do not hesitate to buy this lens.  I returned the XF 23mm F1.4 last week but I’m still thinking about it, and there’s a big part of me that’s considering purchasing a copy as I’m writing this.”

– The X100S in Venice with Roger here: “Thankfully I’d flown Ryan Air (never thought I’d use those words in the same sentence) which meant my carry on baggage was extremely limited, and so I’d taken only one Canon 5d MkIII and 3 lenses to cover the job. I’d decided to pack my Fuji X100S as a backup camera which turned out to be a great decision. I put my heavy DSLR and lenses in left luggage, along with my lighting equipment and hopped on a train to Venice with only the X100S and two batteries.”

– French test of the X100S here (translation).

Mathieu is using the X100S for over six months and he published his consideration about it here: “With the Fuji X100s, I just pick it up, turn it on and start shooting. I don’t have to care about anything else.”

– [shoplink 14323]Leica X2[/shoplink] or Fuji X100s – Which to Take with Me? Read more at outdoorimagesfineart here: “So, which one will I take?  I’ll decide in the morning before I leave, but it will probably be the Leica….”

– Scott’s two week road trip with the X100S here: “The auto-focus on this little guy is a dream! It’s nice to finally have camera that doesn’t hunt for focus. If you’re coming from the Canon world, be warned that there is slight learning curve. The different setup that Fuji presents took some time to grasp before it finally felt right.”

– “The X100S + Long Exposure = Really good.” Read more at Donovan’s website here… Read also his blog post “Former Fuji Fanboy?” here. “A couple weeks ago, I turned the X-E1 on and brought the camera to my eye, but the electronic viewfinder stayed black. I thought maybe it was a setting or something, but no, the EVF wasn’t working.”

fujixfiles says that the X100S made him a better B&W photographer. Read why here: “And in case you don’t have a lot of experience with B&W photography the Fuji X cameras with EVF will take you by the hand and guide you to your first successful exposures. When you switch your JPG to B&W you will see a B&W image in the EVF preview. Now use the exposure compensation dial (in Aperture priority mode) to increase or decrease the exposure in order to get the amount of contrast in your subject that you desire.”

– Mehrdad and his X100S in Neaples. See his shots here.

– Five Cameras To Bring With You to Tour Big Cities at thephoblographer… of course the list starts with the X100S ;).

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X-E1 vs X100S shootout at philippabele here: “I found the X100s to be the overall better camera, more convenient to use and better performing. Still I have decided to keep the X-E1 and get the 23mm f/1.4 because I’m a low light freak. If there was a big ass 23mm f/0.95 lens for the Fujifilm X system I’d probably get it.”

– Photographing Cyclocross with the Fujifilm X-E1 and X20 at danbaileyphoto.com here: “Overall, I had lots of fun shooting this race. Especially whenever the guy in the viking costume rode by. Both X cameras held their own, they were really fun to use, and I’m super happy with the feel and mood of my photographs; I think they tell a great story of what happened over at Goose Lake last Saturday afternoon, and that fact shouldn’t be camera dependent.”

– The love affair with the X-E1 continues at markschuelerphoto.com here. Read his practial review: “I can’t speak for every­one, of course, but I can tell you that for me, that just hap­pened. I finally have the cam­era that con­vinced me to let go of all that weight. A cam­era that reminds me to focus on the moment, the the pho­to­graph, and the idea. To com­mu­ni­cate the emo­tion, to con­vey the expe­ri­ence. I’m not sug­gest­ing a DSLR can’t do that… I’m sug­gest­ing that ANY cam­era can do that, if it works for you.”

pixelogist X-E1 review can be read here: “And the X-E1 is one such camera. Superb design, build, good performance (except for the AF system, alas!) and absolutely excellent image quality – what more would you want? A better AF system, perhaps, yes – but it’s quite brilliant as it is. My favorite mirrorless camera? Definitely. Until I check out the X-E2, at least!”

[shopcountry 12882]

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image courtesy: alexlagarejos

– “Fujifilm X-pro 1, travel companion” at alexlagarejos here: “There is a real freedom to having such quality in a compact form. Firstly, the x-pro 1 goes everywhere with me, I don’t even think about it any more. […] I love fuji for making the x series of cameras, the quality is exceptional, they are a joy to use, of course they have their quirks, I’ve yet to use a camera that doesn’t have something that could be better, but the fuji x-pro 1 gets most things right. Fuji also seem to really listen to their customers, every firmware update has addressed issues that people raised and added features that have been of real use, the recent peak focusing upgrade for the x-pro 1 being an example.”

– Sometimes Karim really loves his job… especially when goes to the Caribbian with his X-PRO1. See his shots here.

– “The Fuji X-Pro 1 – Is It a Landscape Photographers Camera? Some Initial Thoughts.” Read more at dougchinnery here.

– thekagecollective at the SOS Children’s Villages here.

– Views of Berlin taken with the X-PRO1 at refro.at here: “So let me take you through a journey with expressive pictures –  all taken with my Fuji X-PRO1 with the 18-55 zoom. I really like the image quality of the X-TRANS sensor.”

A new interview that is part of our series of 100 interviews we will be holding with professional photographers who use mirrorless cameras for work! This week’s interview is with freelance photographer Patrick La Roque from Montreal, Canada. He uses the Fuji X-Pro1 and X100 to shoot a variety of subjects, including “people, spaces, street and products.” Read the interview here at mirrorlessons.

– The X-PRO1 in Havana de Cuba at handcarryonly here.

– Street: Fuji X-Pro1 vs [shoplink 16850 ebay]Canon 5D MKII[/shoplink] at krysalisphotography: “To conclude, this model is not the DSLR killer that people may have been hoping for, but the mirrorless systems are definitely heading that way at an amazing speed.”

– X-Pro1 – Replichrome Kodak B&W Film by Totally Rad at ikphotography here.

– – Step aside Leica, the Fuji X-Pro1 is here! at paulkomarek here:This is one of those cameras you need to pick up and try out for yourself to truly appreciate. I can’t say enough positive things about it but it has definitely earned a rightful spot on my “Recommended List” and is quicklybecoming the camera I carry around day-to-day and on vacations and outings. While it won’t replace a full-frame DSLR in terms of functionality (ie: wildlife and sports photography), it will fill in all the spots where lugging around that big DSLR becomes less and less practical.”

image courtesy: paulkomarek

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[shopcountry 12884]

– Optical Viewfinder Matters – Fujifilm X20 Compact Camera at thedigitalstory here: “Fujifilm’s viewfinder zooms with the lens so I have a relatively accurate field of view. Plus its readouts keep me apprised of the current camera settings. It’s not as accurate as the framing with a DSLR. But then again, the X20 fits in my front pants pocket and only weights 12 ounces.”

[shopcountry 17194]

A Day with the Fujifilm X-A1 and the Rockettes at thephoblographer here: “Overall, I shot 357 photos over the course of an hour. We were ushered out at 11:00 a.m. The X-A1 paired with the 35mm f1.4 performed admirably. I imagine I’d have had a harder  time with the kit lens. Of course, I haven’t seen images from the other photographers there, but the quality of the X-A1′s images are wonderful. The RAW files provided a great degree of information to work with, and almost no editing was needed.” You can also read their full review here.

– yodobashi beautiful shooting report can be seen here (tranlsation).

– the X-A1 at mapcamera.com here (translation).

– pocket-lint X-A1 review here: “That’s the key thing about the X-A1: at £499 all in – including the 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 lens – the camera is a bit of a bargain. Great to use – and there’s built-in Wi-Fi for saving images straight to your PC, managing them via an Android or iOS app – it’s also the camera that represents Fuji’s expanding platform. But it is more basic than the original models in the range that pushed “pro” aspirations.”

– Some studio shots at the Polish site optyczne (tranlsation)

[shopcountry 13828]

– X-M1 review at digitalphotographyschool here: “Quality: above average. Why you’d buy the Fujifilm X-M1: good quality, small form factor. Why you wouldn’t buy the Fujifilm X-M1: no panorama mode.” Another review on the same site can be read here.

– “Hi Patrick, Here is our most recent review about the X-M1. We came to the conclusion that the X-M1 is one of the best in its category thanks to overall IQ but it remains a less attractive option than other Fuji X cameras due to the lack of VF, certain extra features and a price tag just $200 off the X-E1. Cheers! Mat & Heather.”

– X-M1 review at bestmat.ch here: “The image quality of the X-M1 is excellent, a predictable result as it uses the same sensor and lens as the X-Pro1. Fuji’s X-mount lens system will be very appealing to professional photographers; the lenses have excellent build and optical quality, though it comes at a rather high price.”

– X-M1 review at cameras.about.com here: “You certainly can find other DIL cameras that offer slightly less power and performance than the Fujifilm X-M1 for a couple hundred dollars less, but its stylish design and large image sensor are valuable aspects of this model.

[shopcountry 15293]

– “Picture-perfect Paris – A weekend shooting in the streets – Fuji x100 Firmware 2” at Morgan’s website here.

– “Simon Burgess is a talented photographer based in the Hampshire Village of Nether Wallop. After a recent dose of inspiration, he took to his favorite London markets for a unique project. Armed with a Fuji X100 and Replichrome, film presets for Lightroom, he began creating compelling images, reminiscent of classic film street photography, but updated for the modern era.” See and read more here at gettotallyrad.


18-55mm vs 14mm at regislessent.com: “On the technical side, I was surprised how the AF of the 18-55 felt so different from the 14mm or the 35mm I own. I would say it’s less « brutal » and less noisy.”

– soundimageplus XF55-200 review and user experience here: ” It actually balances really well with both the X-E2 and X-Pro 1. I carried it around for a couple of hours yesterday on a cold day and actually found the experience easier than I imagined it was going to be.” Part II can be read here.

– The Polish site tested the XF14mm here (translation)

– A lot of kind words to Fujifilm’s decision to deliver, together with the high end X-cameras an awesome, fast kit lens with aperture ring. Read the article “How Fujifilm is Reimagining the Kit Lens; And Others Should Look to Them” here: “This is less a review and more of an ode. “

Zeiss Touit 12 vs. Fuji 14 vs. Zeiss ZE 21 at mfoto.ca here.

– “Here is a gallery of pictures taken by Damien Lovegrove with the fabulous Fujifilm XF 60mm f/2.4 macro prime lens. All the pictures were shot on the Fujifilm X-Pro1 camera.”

– Switching Gears – Fuji 55-200mm walkabout at chadwadsworth here: “I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised with the 55mm-200mm. Coming from a background of fixed, fast aperture zooms with shallow DOF and creamy bokeh, I was expecting to be disappointed, but that was not the result. The 55mm-200mm Fuji is priced competitively for what it offers and as an all-purpose zoom, it is absolutely capable in almost every regard.”

XC 16-50 review here: “I give this lens a blue rating since it is a superb value. Step it down to f/5.6-7.1 and you will get a nice sharp lens across the range. This makes it a great lens to take on a trip and take landscape shots, and other general purpose shots.”

– Fuji X-M1 with the [shoplink 13829]XF 27mm[/shoplink] and [shoplink 12888]XF 14mm[/shoplink] at flixelpix here: “The X-M1 was the perfect powerhouse of portability as we ventured over Fair Head and the long way back to Ballycastle.”

paulkomerek 18mm review here: “[…] it is a good all-around lens that fills the wide angle spot needed for landscape, indoor candid, and up close and personal street photography.”


– soundimageplus RAW conversion with Photo Ninja here: “Regular readers will know that’s how I like my images to look anyway, but for the first time I’ve got this without having to do a lot of post-processing and it’s nice to have this as pretty much the ‘default’ look.”

Fuji Instax Mini 90 Neo Classic
[shopcountry 17593]

– At filmdigital.tumblr.com you can read a quick review about the Fuji Instax Mini 90: “Overall, it’s a pretty basic camera with features you don’t really need to use but are helpful if you want to take a bit more time in creating your instant photos. There’s something special about being able to hold a print of a photo you just took and physically passing it around to everyone in the room. Or use it as a bookmark in your journal or favorite novel. Thanks to companies like Fuji for still keeping instant film alive and still making instant cameras for the masses.”

– First Impressions: Fujifilm Instax Mini 90 at thephoblographer here: “While the Mini 90 is a cool camera, we’re not sure who else it may appeal to besides the hipsters, wedding photographers, and a handful of creatives. If Fujifilm really wanted to create a classic, they should have added full manual control.”

X-dreams: what should be the key features of a Full Frame Fuji X camera?

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[UDPATE: You’re thinking to switch to the X. Then save up to $1,400 on the XF lenses and X-E2 (or X-E1, X-PRO1,X-M1). See this crazy deal here.]

 I’m sorry, that’s no leaked image. It’s just… I had some time to dream!

As I told you 2014 could be the year when Fuji goes full frame. But I would like to hear from you what kind of crucial features should be taken into the account for a new FF X cameras. This for example is my list:

– Price under $2,500 for the body only
– Hybrid Viewfinder is a must
– New generation X trans FF sensor with a minimum of 24+ Megapixels… and phase detection pixels all over the sensor and not only in the center for super-fast focus also on the edge of the image.
– Weather Sealed and full metal body
– ISO dial

Ok, what about the X-PRO2 or PRO1S? I’m working on it… it’s the most complicated rumor I’ve ever worked on. So, lemme put together the different data points and then I’ll tell you more.

it’s almost weekend… enjoy it!
 photo Patrick_zpse517a3cc.png  (facebook, google+ and twitter)

[UPDATE] Black X-E2 kit in stock + is it worth to upgrade from the X-E1?

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The black X-E2 kit is in stock at Pictureline. AmazonUSBHphoto and Adorama have only the silver kit in stock.

[UPDATE:] Things change quickly. The black X-E2 kit sold like hot cakes at BHphoto  and is now out of stock… but the good news is that it is back in stock at Adorama and Pictureline, and at [shoplink 19165 ebay]top rated ebayUS reseller kenmorecamera[/shoplink] now!

The body is still unavailable at the major online retailers… if you find it somewhere, share it on in the comments or at dealsrunner.com.

To upgrade or not to upgrate? That is the question at the moment. Mike Kobal will upgrate. The X-E2 will replace his X-E1. Not only, but will he sell also his X100S? Decisions, decision… read more here: “This might finally be the camera I have been waiting for, fast, small, lightweight, unobtrusive. Personally, I think the X-E2 is one of the best examples of the form follows function principle. I am seriously considering giving up high speed sync and the inaudible shutter in favor of interchangeable lenses. And it is black. Hmmmm. Only time will tell, for now I am planning to keep mine :) Check back by the end of the week for an update with images!”

An update to what belongs the X-E2 French double kit offer (18-55 + 55-200): It should be available at the end of December/start of January.

And here is B&H deal on the X-E1 with kit lens: For $1,099 you get the X-E1, 18-55, 16GB SD-card and Ruggard Streak 25 Shoulder Bag (save $55)

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X-E2 – USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / AdoramaDigitalRev / Pictureline / EUROPE: wexphotographicUK / DigitalRev / Fotomundus24 GER / PCHstore / AmazonDE (via DR)