New, free, digital Fuji X-magazine!

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Fuji just annouced a free digital magazin for X users. The first number is out and available in many language (English,  German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Russian, Italian). You can find the English edition here. There is also a nice looking iOS version of it on the App Store and there is an Android version as well.

The magazine is “fully interactive“and “helps you to get more from you own camera“… or get all the tips you need to tame your X-series camera now by purchasing Rico’s new book and use code FUJISAVES30 to save 30%!

Thanks to all those reader who like Jean and Lawrence who shared this information also at the FR-facebook wall.

The New York Times says: “700,000 X-series cameras sold”

image courtesy: New York Times

Now we have a first real number about the X-series sales. The New York Times says in an article here (Fujifilm Finds Niche With Old-Style Cameras That Mask a High-Tech Core) that Fujifilm “has sold more than 700,000 X-series cameras since the first model, the X100, was introduced in 2011“. We also know from Fujifilm itself that the X100 has been sold 130,000 times.

Thom Hogan commented these numbers and said here “It’s a low number, lower than I expected (I recently wrote that I thought they had hit at least 1m units). It shows just how tough the camera market really is.”

Did you expect stronger sales? Feel free to drop a comment.

X-shooter travels: “I’ve moved onto the X… and there’s no looking back!”

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image courtesy: Sabino Parente (500px) – Fuji X-E1

Today’s X-shooter zone is all about travels. X-shooters worldwide enjoy the lightness of the X-system and the IQ… and explore the world with it. The image on the top has been taken by Sabino Parente, who is right now in Istanbul. Check out his website and his 500px account. For Sabino’s gallery “Istanbul, people and lifestyle” click here.

In this X-shooter zone you can follow:

– Timo’s ongoing travel in Mongolia… and that will bring him to Beijing and Thailand. (X100S – X-E1)
– Mark’s Asian trip to Vietnam, Hong Kong & Japan. (X100S – X-PRO1)
– Jan’s journey to Eilat. (X-E1)
– Denton’s Canada trip. (X100S)
– Kristian’s travel in Myanmar. (X100S)
– Rey’s adventures from Paris to South Africa. (X100S)

And to all those, like me, who have to go back at work tomorrow… don’t worry, our time will come too. In the meantime get an X, master it (so read Rico’s new book and use code FUJISAVES30 to save 30%!) and prepare for your next travel. And do not forget: share your images and stories with Fujirumors via email at fujirumor@gmail.comfacebook and twitter.

enjoy your Sunday
Patrick  (facebook, google+ and twitter)


Timo Soasepp

Hi Patrick!

I’m on my 2 month vacation which includes trans-mongolia, Beijing and Thailand. I have done corporation in this trip with Fujifilm Finland and I’ve shooted only with [shoplink 12883]fuji x100s[/shoplink] and [shoplink 12881]x-e1[/shoplink]. Take a look (it’s in english) and feel free to share! I would have honored! There you go!

Timo Soasepp

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Mark Zaki

Hi Patrick

Firstly I would just like to say what a great site you run, the perfect place to get my daily fix of the Fuji rumour mill while enjoying a morning coffee!

Browsing & reading the rumours and reviews of all the X-series cameras from Fuji as they were announced on your site convinced me enough to ditch the SLR gear and move to Fujifilm.

It started with the X100, then shortly complemented by the X-E1 – a great combination perfect for my style of shooting.

I have now moved onto the X100s & X-Pro1 and there’s no looking back!

Pre-Order is down for the X-E2 (for me will replace the X-Pro1) and will give me the perfect shooting combination.

So, I just wanted to share with you some shots from a recent trip to Asia. Shot exclusively with the X100s & X-Pro1, they were the perfect accompaniment on a trip which took in the amazing sights of Vietnam, Hong Kong & Japan.

Online Portfolio

(Asia, Africa & Europe) –


Hong Kong

Hope you enjoy the shots – both your site and the Fuji X-Series cameras have really inspired me to shoot.

All the best & keep up the great work.

(PS. Can’t wait for more news of x200 FF & X-Pro2!!!)

Thanks Mark

Follow me on Twitter: @mark_zaki

Mark Zaki (Vietnam)

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Hi Patrick, I follow your blog almost on a daily basis, great stuff you share. Maybe interesting but I have several image galleries and a Journey to Eilat done with the Fuji X-E1 and the [shoplink 12887]kit lens[/shoplink]. It was a relief to let my Nikon gear at home, climbing walking is far less cumbersome. I love the high iso performance, also tried some panoramas in the camera.

My site is in dutch but for the images it doesn’t matter. [Read the blog post here (translation)]


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Denton Taylor

Hi Patrick:

For some time now I have been following FujiRumors, since I started to get excited about the X100s. I’ve been around a while and back in the film days I was always in love with their medium format cameras.

A few months ago I was finally able to obtain my X100s, and it’s been love ever since. I live in Manhattan, and it’s the perfect camera to use for street photography and my street style fashion blog. I carry it everywhere on my belt in a Spider Black Widow holster with a Gordy wrist strap.

Every few years we take a trip to Canada, we go to Montreal, Quebec City, and the Charlevoix region, where we do a little hiking. Last time we went I took my standard SLR kit, 5Dmkiii, 70-200 2.8L, 24-105 4.0L, 17-40 4.0L, and 15mm fisheye. Quite a handful. In the city, by the end of the day I would be dead tired, and on the hiking trails I would have to carry nothing but camera gear and my wife would have to carry everything else, so we’d both be tired.

This year, after working with the X100s for a while, I decided to try something different. I took a 5Dmkiii with 50mm lens, strictly as backup to the X100s. I took the X100s everywhere as my only camera. I felt much better and much less tired. Did I miss my big SLR kit? Well, there were a few times I would have liked a longer lens, but the fact is I came back with almost a thousand exposures. I did some long exposures on a tripod, some HDR, and never felt limited. The X100s packs a lot of features and great image quality in a small light package. I am happy.

I’m so happy in fact that I have an X-E2 on order at Adorama. While I’m not going to sell my Canon, I have sold a couple of my least used lenses so I can buy a few Fuji lenses for the X-E2.

Here are some images from my Canada trip:

Quebec City

Thanks for the site! (

Denton Taylor (Montreal)

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Kristian Helgesen

Hi, I’m a photojournalist from Norway, and I recently did a story in Myanmar, only using the X100S. Being a Nikon user for many years, I only use the X100s now for my own projects. I am very happy with the results, and the camera is great to work with.

Check out the story here:

Kristian Helgesen

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Hi – I’m sending along a link to an article I’ve written as you’ve posted from me in the past (my X-E1 review). I recently returned from a glorious trip to Paris and then South Africa.  This link recounts my experiences:

The first 12 images were taken with a Fujifilm X100s.  The rest (on safari) were taken with a Nikon D7100.

Thanks and keep up the good work!



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Phase detection AF vs Contrast AF… or why you should upgrade your lens firmware (for X-E2 owners)

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In a recent tweet on twitter, Billy from the Fuji Guys shows a graph that demonstrates the AF-speed difference between the Contrast AF and the Phase detection AF. As you know, the recently released X-E2 adopts this hybrid AF-system. Remember that if you really want to take advantage of the massively improved AF you have to focus in the center of the image, as the Phase Detection Pixels are located in the central part of the sensor.

The fastest focussing lens now is the [shoplink 12888]XF 14mm[/shoplink]!

The graph also shows the improvement on the [shoplink 12891]XF 18mm[/shoplink] and [shoplink 13829]XF 27mm[/shoplink]… the PDAF & LMO update for these lenses will be released later this month… who knows, maybe together with the 10-24mm, which should come on NOV 20! Stay tuned on FR on that day and follow us also via facebook, google+ and twitter.

And there is a brand new hands on review of the X-E2 at Tom Grill’s website here: “One question that pops to mind is whether or not a switch from an X-E1 to X-E2 is worth the price. This says a lot about the X-E1, which is an exceptional camera in its own right. Nonetheless, the changes made to the X-E2 address issues that are important to anyone using these cameras in a work environment. Now that I have had time for a hands-on assessment of the X-E2, I can say unequivocally that it was well worth the switch.”

USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / AdoramaDigitalRev / Pictureline / EUROPE: wexphotographicUK / DigitalRev / Fotomundus24 GER / PCHstore / AmazonDE (via DR)

all the best
 photo Patrick_zpse517a3cc.png  (facebook, google+ and twitter)

Which images was taken with the Fujinon XF35mmF1.4?

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