The Best Cameras of 2013 (trustedreviews)

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The year isn’t over, Fuji and other companies are going to release more cameras, but we already have a best cameras list for 2013. Trustedreviews picked out the top 10 cameras of the year. 8th position for the [shoplink 12881]X-E1[/shoplink] and 5th position for the [shoplink 14383]Fuji HS50EXR[/shoplink]. See the whole list here.

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turstedreviews tested the HS50EXR here. “There a lot to like about the HS50 EXR. Not only is it one of the best-specified superzoom bridge cameras on the market, but it also has the performance to match. It has an excellent viewfinder, lightning-quick focusing system and truly ergonomic design, and  is only really let down by poor video quality and a few usability issues. Although it’s far from the smallest and lightest superzoom bridge camera available, at its current price it’s certainly one of the best on the market.

Fuji HS50EXR: [shopcountry 14383]

Fuji X-E1: [shopcountry 12881]

travel-X: the importance of travelling light


Forest McMullin

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Hi- I’ve been using the X-E1 with a variety of lenses since March this year and I thought I’d share some of my travel images with you. I was living and traveling in France for two months this spring and used it extensively during that time. I followed that with a three week road trip around England, Scotland, and Wales and used it exclusively for a project about pub culture. I’m currently using it for another project I’m working on from my home in Atlanta, Georgia about ethnic restaurants and food related businesses.

The X-E1 is a remarkable tool and, although it has certain limitations, I found it perfect for travel shooting. The image quality is absolutely outstanding. The small size and light weight are greatly appreciated when carrying it all day, every day. The usability feels totally familiar with controls where I expect them. And the ability to use exposure compensation on the fly ensures that every exposure is perfect without ever having to review on the LCD. I really like that!

Keep in mind, I’ve been a shooter for over thirty years. I’ve used most cameras on the market. I deliver workshops on lighting, travel photography, and other topics all over the US for Manfrotto Imaging. In the past, when workshop participants ask me what my favorite camera is, I would (half jokingly) tell them, “Whatever camera is in my hands.” I think that’s going to change. I think my answer in the future may be, “Whichever Fuji X camera is in my hands.”

Forest McMullin

Forest (

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Hi Patrick,

I think I can say I’m a big follower of your page. Honestly, not only for the rumors but, specially, for the opportunity you give to discover the blogs and web pages of other photographers and bloggers with great photography and interesting reviews on the gear I use. I have discovered many interesting sites thanks to

A few years ago, I travelled around the world for 13 months photographing as much as I could (a lot actually!) as you may see in our blog (which is in Spanish but the pictures of course have a universal language). During that time I carried a Canon DSRL with some lenses and I realized how important is to travel light. Last summer, in a trip to Japan, I bought a Fuji X-pro 1 together with the 35mm 1.4. It took some time to me to get used to this new equipment but, now that I can use it without thinking, I can’t be happier with the change.  The image quality is outstanding. I no longer need a tripod due to the fantastic performance with high ISOS. The only big concern I had at first was the focusing speed but it has improved a lot after updating firmware. In my next trip to Japan I bought the 18mm prime lens which is also fantastic.

Well, as I see most of people in your site is proposing improvements and new lenses to be released, I can say that my perfect lens for the X-pro 1 would be a 27mm 1.4 or a standard zoom 17-50 with a low ‘f stop’ throughout the range… I’d like also to have the chance to fix the minimum shutter speed at a given ISO. That would make this camera simply the best tool to travel around (well I think it’s already the best even without that option!).

If you go through our blog, you’ll see many pictures taken with the Canon but I’m copying below a list of posts with pictures of the X-pro 1. Feel free to use the pictures if you decide to post this in your web.

Congrats for your fantastic site!

Cheers from Barcelona!


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Hi Pat,

It’s been a long time since I got in touch! How are things going? The last time we spoke I had just got my hands on an x100s and was about to head over the America.

Do I love the camera? YES!

As a result of having the x100s in my pocket where ever I go and the travels I have coming up over the next few years, I thought it will be fun to create X-PLR.  X-PLR is derived from explore and a play on the X series cameras. My aim is to explore as many different countries and cultures as possible and I will be documenting  99% of my travels with the X100S.

X-PLR is still at an experimental phase, I am not a street photographer nor a travel photographer, but I have a great camera that fits in my pocket and plan to visit some interesting places so I will try and document things as I go along.

The first two instalments of X-PLR is up on my site, will love for you to stop by.

New York:


London, Manchester and Tuscany should be up soon.

just for fun I decided to test how well Fuji X-Pro1 can do film scans :) The full story is here.



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miXed zone: X100S wins EISA award, XC 16-50 review, X-workshop in India, Iridient and more


The best advanced compact camera according to the European Imaging and Sound Association (EISA) is the X100S. Click here to read the announcement at Fuji’s global site. And while the X100S gets award after award, there are many photographers who are still waiting for a camera that should be shipped in 3 to 6 weeks at AmazonUS.


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image courtesy: digitaltrekker

SOLD OUT: Rajasthan, India Photographic Trek – Sunday, February 16, 2014 at 8:00 AM – Saturday, March 1, 2014 at 11:30 PM

Travel and humanitarian photographer Matt Brandon and Fujifilm Ambassador and Lightroom guru Piet Van den Eynde are pleased to announce that their 2014 Rajasthan Photographic Trek, a 2 week workshop held in February 2014 in the colorful state of Rajasthan, India, is being sponsored by Fujifim. As leaders Matt & Piet will be shooting only Fujifilm X-series cameras and plan to have a nice selection of the latest X-series gear for workshop participants to play with. Apparently this workshop was highly rated by last year’s participants. Several stated it was the best workshop they have ever attended. Part of this is because Rajasthan is one of the most visually stunning places on earth and part of it is Matt and Piet spend a lot of one-on-one time with each of their participants and they keep the student-to-teacher ratio low.

Workshops with one teacher that knows his way around the Fuji-system are hard enough to come by. A workshop with two knowledgeable Fujifilm-shooters in an exotic location such as Rajasthan is simply unique.

The places for this workshop are already sold out but you can see some beautiful images at thedigitaltrekker here.

Iridient (download ver. 2.2) is one of those photographers who believe that the best software to process X-Trans RAW files is Iridient. See the images and read his thoughts here: “Iridient file is very crisp with excellent colours. Moiré is very well controlled, definitely better than in Aperture. No details “smearing” as in LightRoom/ACR. […] As I have already said, Iridient Developer is an excellent OSX-based raw converter, probably the best for x-trans files as of today.”


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image courtesy: rileyjoseph (for people who like to travel light)

rileyjoseph‘s shared with FR via twitter his blog post with his thoughts on the X-M1 and XC 16-50: “The little Fuji that can?” here. The conclusions: “Where does this leave us? I like some things about it. I don’t like other things about it. Would I recommend it to people? Yes. I have friends and family ask me all the time about my Fujis as they want a smaller camera to take with them travelling that isn’t a point & shoot. They go cross eyed when I talk about aperture sings and shutter dials and exposure compensation. I think they would benefit from the X-M1 as it gives them the chance to wade into the X-Series waters. It has auto and scene modes they are familiar with from their p&s or canon rebel.. but it is small, lightweight and has one of the best APS-C sensors ever. As they progress into photography they will be able to transition to the more manual modes and eventually graduate to a X100s, X-E1 or X-Pro1. To advanced shooters and those who already have another X-Series camera I would not recommend it. You’ll be frustrated. I hope it’s targeted segment of buyers find it and take the plunge. Why? Because I am selfish and I want the X-Series line to do well so that Fuji can take that money and use it to develop more amazing XF lenses and eventually a X-Pro2.”

XC 16-50

XC 16-50: WexUK / PCHstore

At admiringlight you can read the full XC16-50 review here: “[…] all things considered the XC 16-50mm is a good lens. It’s not a great lens, but it is better than the average kit lens. While certainly not the sharpest lens in the world, the lens is adequately sharp over most of the frame, allowing you to capture good images in most circumstances. On the other image quality criteria, the lens is quite good. The 16-50mm has very pleasant bokeh and excellent color and contrast, providing a great overall image feel. The extra width over other standard zooms allows the lens to be a little more versatile. Probably my biggest gripe with the 16-50mm is the loss of the aperture ring that comes standard on almost all other Fuji lenses. It’s makes the lens operate differently in the field than other Fuji lenses, which is an annoyance.”

Fuji XF 27mm


– Tom: “Patrick – I just finished my hands-on review of the Fuji 27mm. It is on my blog with a lot of downloadable sample images that your viewers usually seem to like. It’s a great lens. Here is the link.”

– Noel: “Just took a test drive with the new Fuji 27mm F2.8 Pancake lens. I am very happy with fuji’s spin on compact optics. I posted a few words and several photos on my Blog.Check it out here.


– C’net posted its X-E1 review here: “It’s not a general-purpose recommendable camera thanks to subpar video and slightly sluggish performance, but for photo-quality-first photographers who want the analog-ish shooting experience, the Fujifilm X-E1 rules in its price range.”

– 8 months with the X-E1 at mikeangphoto here: “It has been 8 months – and counting – and I’m still in love with it. I still keep saying its the best camera I’ve owned. There a lot of things I like about the camera […] it has emotionally brought back the love for photography in me. There’s this “connection” and “magic” that gets to me when using it and at this point I could not ask for a better camera for me :)”

X-PRO1 (and new firmware)

DSLR is dead? Read robjohnsphotographer’s real life review here: “I have no regrets buying the X-Pro1, it is the camera that I have been waiting a long time for. It’s an absolute joy to use and the imaging quality is nothing short of sublime. It positively encourages photography because it is small and light and importantly doesn’t draw attention when working in the public. It’s easy to understand why photographers around the world have fallen in love with photography once again and the excitement is real and truly justified. Have I fallen in love with the X-Pro1? Absolutely, but I’m not getting rid of my Canons…….well, not yet anyway!”

– Using Fujifilm’s Newest Firmware to the X Pro 1 In Real Life Use at thephoblographer here: “When the Fujifilm 35mm f1.4 R first was launched, it was perhaps the most problematic lens of the trio. But it had the best image quality. At this point, I think that I can say with certainty that it is the best lens in the lineup. It is sharp, fast to focus, and overall just beautiful. Not only that, but the entire system has drastically improved and they’re only on their first generation of products for the most part! How the heck could someone not be happy? Seriously.”

More to come and nothing to miss! Follow Fujirumors on facebook and twitter

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New cameras, new lenses and new firmware updates! Fuji is not resting on its laurels and is working tirelessly… and so does Fujirumors. We’ll continue to provide you with fresh news and rumors so that you don’t miss anything!

But this blog is just one of the tools you can use to follow us, stay up to date and continue to be the first to know things before they even happen ;). You can follow us also on facebooktwitter and subscribe the RSS feed.

I know, Fujirumors is one of the smallest and youngest of all rumor-websites out there, the “underdog“. At the moment we have 2,550 likes on facebook and 1,380 loyal followers on twitter. That’s great… but you can help us growing!

All you have to do, if you want, is to join our facebook page, follow us twitter and subscribe the RSS feed. This would be a great support for this little site. So, feel free to like us on facebook and spread the word!

Thanks for your time

Iridient Developer 2.2 update released

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Version 2.2 of Iridient Developer is now available for download! This release features a number of new features and improvements, particularly for the Fuji X-Trans models! I’ve already posted several articles about this software, which some consider the best for X-Trans RAF’s until now. But check it out by yourself in the following posts: thevisualexperience / thevisualexperience and dpreview / soundimageplus

New Fujifilm specific features include:
1) New support for X-M1 RAW images!
2) automatic lens distortion correction based on camera RAW metadata
3) automatic vignetting corrections based on RAW file metadata
4) a new smoother, “Soft Look” demosaic option which also fixes a bug with previous 2.1 version where enabling “Soft Look” option would result in ugly color cast issue
5) updated camera tone curve and baseline exposure to better match the camera JPEGs and other software
6) support for detailed lens model name metadata
7) support for several RAW white balance presets (tungsten, daylight and cloudy)
8) fixes for ISO gains at 3200 and 6400 (perviously images would be very dark by default at these high ISO settings)

The new Iridient Developer 2.2 release can now be downloaded here:

Full release notes for this version can be viewed here:

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