FR-readers zone: top 10 (part 2), photos fuji can’t take, bokeh-licious, wish list for Fuji’s next flagship

It’s your time. Thanks for all the stories and images you share with Fujirumors. Keep it up and share them via facebook, twitter and email


A couple of weeks ago I posted the top 10 selection of Lawrence after a month with the X-E1. If you missed it, then I recommend you to check this FR-readers zone here. Now another month passed and Lawrence wrote:

“Hi Patrick, last month you posted a link to my “first month with the Fuji x-e1” series of photos. Here’s my followup with month #2. Feel free to link / include / post on FR. Here is the link. BTW love your site – believe it or not, it’s the first website I check in the morning as I’m catching up on news. As a quick thank you, I just used your affiliate links to get a 14mm f2.8. Cheers!”


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photos fuji can’t take

I don’t know if you’ve seen this website, but back when I first got my X-Pro 1 last year, I kept reading about how unusable it was due to the focusing issues and lack of a minimum shutter speed in auto ISO. I was surprised because I was able to get results that I was quite happy with. So I started a Tumblr blog with examples of the types of photos that people said you couldn’t take with the Fuji X-Pro 1.

Most of the commentary is entirely sarcastic. I mention this only because a lot of people think I was being serious.

I thought I’d let you know about it since with the new firmware updates, the whole issue of Fuji X series cameras being too slow seems to be falling by the wayside, but I like to think my blog served its purpose.

photos fuji can’t take
The firmware 2.00 update clearly did nothing to help getting sports photos with the 60mm lens, which is still slow as a dog.”

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“Good morning Patrick :-)

Just wanted to send you a brief note telling you that while I’m feverishly checking online every day for an estimated availability date for the 55-200, I also had quite a bit of fun with the XF14mm lens.

At first I wasn’t sure whether I should invest, the price being quite steep after all, considering that I’m 110% satisfied with the 18-55 (once again: this is NOT your average “let’s throw it into the bundle”-kit lens!!!) , but the numerous rave reviews about its optical qualities made my G.A.S. (Gear Addiction Syndrome) kick into overdrive and I finally decided to treat myself to a three months early birthday present ;-)

If you have a spare moment, please feel free to check out this short set here:

I continue to be wowed by the Fuji quality and can’t wait to get my hands on those 55-200, 10-24 and 56mm lenses :-)

Best regards and keep up the great work,”

Check out also Oli’s thoughts about the XF 60mm here (Love at second sight). ” I turn to the Fujis for fun, quality and “soul”… Oh, and can you spell BOKEH-LICIOUS? :-)”


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“Thanks for the fujirumors website. It’s always fresh, and it’s the only camera-lusting site I have time to indulge in. Here’s what I’d like to see adapted to Fujifilm’s newest flagship camera.

A square sensor. It’s my understanding that 35mm SLR cameras produce 2×3 ratio images because the mirror needs to flip up without contacting the rear element of the lens. Because the x-series is mirrorless, the option of shooting square (and in doing so bringing the mega-pixel count to a cool 24) would be a godsend for fashion photographers and art-documentation/product photographers. This IS a professional camera after all, right Fuji? Those who used to shoot 120s with a [shoplink 15463 ebay]roliflex[/shoplink] understand square obsession. Ideally all classic ratios would be Q menu options.

More focus options on analog switch. My [shoplink 15464 ebay]S5pro[/shoplink] ([shoplink 15465 ebay]Nikon D200 body[/shoplink]) and 85mm f1.8lens was the best combination going for candid portraiture. Fuji renders skin tones like no other, and the grain at 3200 was somehow pleasant in its film-likeness. But best of all, there was a switch at the back of the camera to choose AF modes. A closest subject or face-grabbing focus option switch at the back of the X-Pro 2 would appeal hugely to photo journalists and wedding photogs. The X-pro looks like a quick camera, it might as well start acting like one.

I understand that a dual processor is being introduced to greatly decrease EVF lag [admin: no trusted source told me ever about it]. This is essential. For a sensor that excels in low light, the x-trans deserves a viewfinder that can keep up with it. Good tweak Fuji! Let’s hope it delivers.

Manual controls in video. We know that it’s not primarily a video camera, but please just let us choose a frame-rate or lock down the shutter speed and ISO. The video has an RCA handycam-like auto exposure. And also, what’s with the dynamic range loss in video mode? I feel like I’m recording at SLP on my Maxwell VHF tape. I mean, I know it’s a retro styled camera, but really… ;)

The shutter dial is lovely, but I find that real-estate could be better used. I’d love little half clicks between 30, 60, and 125. Quite often the required shutter speed is 1/45sec or 1/90sec. Would those be delightful options to click to.

Also, when processing in-camera RAW, if the jpeg would appear with the same name + R it would slot itself after it’s parent file for easy reference and organization.

The panorama-swipe mode is a gadget. Get rid of it I say. Panoramas are better made with the camera held still and stitched in post. And please bring double-exposure to a Drive menu. That shit’s dope.

On a curiosity note. Ive always loved Sensia slide film, but I’d never heard of Astia. But they seam to render similarly. Is this a weird Canadian thing? but then “S” represents Astia as a quick-menu icon. What gives?

Thanks again for the wonderful website. I check it everyday. Have a look at mine for a Fujifilm fix. All photographs are from X-E1’s and S5pros.

All the best


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Testing Fuji’s Focus Peaking (+ some tips)

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image courtesy: posted on his blog here his findings (and some tips) about the focus peaking on the X-PRO1. He tested the FP with the [shoplink 15363 ebay]Minolta Rokkor 85/1.7[/shoplink] and the [shoplink 12888]XF 14mm[/shoplink]. From his conclusions:

After taking 400+ pictures today I can only say that focus peaking works. Standard MF Assist mode is now absolutely redundant for me. Before focus peaking (Standard mode in today terms) I used to have about 10% hits at no magnification, about 40% at 3x and 70% at 10x. With focus peaking I managed to get 75% hits at no magnification and 100% (could be just luck) at 3x magnification. I didn’t use 10x at all because I didn’t feel need for it. But you need to practice your skills to really understand what you are looking for (edges usually exhibit more pronounced highlight effect but may not be your focus point). And yes, Sony’s implementation still has an edge.

He also worte his wishlist for the next update… the third point is: “Pressing the shutter release button halfway should not cancel FP. It is really annoying.” Read more on his blog here.

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[P.S.: Rico added plenty of new samples, both JPEG and RAW (Lightroom & Silkypix) to the Flickr set. He also updated Pro/Con comparison with X-E1 in his X-M1 first look here.]

KO/OK: Fuji’s Annual Report 2013 says X-series OK, compact cameras KO


Fujifilm has uploaded here at Fujifilm Holdings their annual report 2013. As I already told you here, Fujifilm will cut down 50% of the compact camera lineup (good news, let’s focus on the X-series!). You can read the review of operations report here:

Now, how are the X-series sales? The “performance during the Year [is still] Under Review“. But while the whole camera segment is suffering because of the low demand for compact cameras, the high end cameras of the X-series are in good health. (In their earning presentations report they said “such high-end models as the X-series proceeded smoothly. Measures are being undertaken to swiftly shift to high-end models.”)

“[from the review of operations report] While sales were favorable for products such as the FUJIFILM X-E1, […] and the FUJIFILM X100S,[…] a surge in popularity of smartphones has been causing demand for compact digital cameras to decline. Accordingly, sales in the whole segment were down, at ¥92.0 billion”

Future Initiatives: 1) Expand sales of high-end models and interchangeable lens systems [or as said in the earning presentations reportRapidly expand lineup of interchangeable lenses for premium interchangeable lens cameras by speeding up their development“] . 2) Reduce the number of compact models and substantially revise the model mix, concentrating on differentiated products. 3) Merge with the optical device business, enhancing synergies from development and production through to sales.”

Last thing, also the sales of the X20 are strong, as written here: “In the electronic imaging field, the sales of such premium compact cameras as the FUJIFILM X100S and the FUJIFILM X20 were strong, […]. Fujifilm is working to expand and strengthen the product lineup in the X Series of premium cameras that leverage Fujifilm’s exclusive technologies and, XF Lens Series, interchangeable lens systems, whose market is expected to be growing.”

That’s it, as FR-readers always said, focus on the X-system, everything else is just distraction (and loss of money)… oh, and I just had a brilliant idea to boost sales of the imaging solution departement… it’s called X-PRO2 and X-E2 :)!

enjoy your day

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X-M1 (and XF 27mm at BH) in stock now also at Amazon and BHphoto

Third party reseller Unique Photo is selling a few X-M1 kits for normal price at AmazonUS here. You can find it also at several [shoplink 13828 ebay]eBay stores here[/shoplink].

BHphoto has the X-M1 kits in stock here. and also the XF27mm here.


X-M1 (body only or with 16-50mm)USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / DigitalRev / [shoplink 13828 ebay]eBay[/shoplink] / Pictureline EUROPE: [shoplink 13828 ebay]eBay[/shoplink] / DigitalRevAmazonITA / AmazonDE / WexUK / PCHstore

XF 27mm – USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / DigitalRev / [shoplink 13828 ebay]eBay[/shoplink] / Pictureline EUROPE: [shoplink 13828 ebay]eBay[/shoplink] / DigitalRev / WexUKAmazonDEAmazonITA / PCHstore XC 16-50: [shoplink 13828 ebay]eBay[/shoplink] / WexUK / PCHstore

Top 10 Mirrorless Compact System Cameras + Serious Compact Digital Cameras (ephotozine)

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image courtesy: ephotozine

Which are the best mirrorless compact system cameras according to ephotozine here? 8 cameras of the 10 listed in their raking are from Olympus (4 cameras) and Panasonic (4 cameras). The 2 remaing places go to the Sony Nex-3N (3rd) and to the Fuji X-PRO1 (4th). Now let’s see what FR-readers think about it. Do you agree with this list? Let’s make our own ranking and choose the top 3 cameras in this poll.

Regarding the X-T2 Screen, I'd prefer

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ephotozine listed also the 10 best serious compact cameras you can buy at the moment. There are also the (1) X100S and (5) X20 in this list. Read why at ephotozine here.  And again, vote the poll by selecting your top 3 cameras in this ranking.

The best strategy for Fuji is to...

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