More rumors confirm it: X100 firmware update coming soon (end of August?)


An anonymous source just confirmed the release of an upcoming major firmware for the X100 end of August. The update will have a significant number of improvements and X100 users will be impressed! So wait a bit and don’t sell your [shoplink 15293 ebay]classic X100[/shoplink]… let’s see if rumors are correct and if Fuji will really be able to impress you!

The number of hints is growing. If you want read the previous X100 firmware rumor and select the improvements you’d like to see on your X100.


P.S.: You can share rumors anonymously using the rumor box on Fujirumors.

In stock check: limited number of X-M1 kits at AmazonDE (and ebayUS) and 27mm at ebayUK


GERMANY: 5 silver and 6 black X-M1 with 16-50 lens are right now in stock at AmazonDE here (shipped and sold by Amazon).

UK: A few 27mm are available at ebayUK here.

USA: There is a limited number of X-M1 kits at the ebay store popflash and kenmorecamera.

found via dealsrunner


X-M1 (body only or with 16-50mm)USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / DigitalRev / Pictureline EUROPE: DigitalRev / WexUK / PCHstore / AmazonITA / AmazonDE

XF 27mm – USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / DigitalRev / Pictureline EUROPE: AmazonDE / DigitalRev / WexUK / PCHstore / AmazonITA XC 16-50: WexUK / PCHstore

REVIEW: Samyang 300mm f/6.3 mirror lens for Fuji X + IN STOCK: X-M1 at AmazonDE/ITA


A FR-reader shared with us via rumor box the link to a short review and some sample shots of the Samyang 300 mirror lens for Fuji X. The lens is a bit smaller than the [shoplink 12887]XF 18-55mm[/shoplink], built mostly out of high quality plastic and the focus ring rotation is very smooth and well-damped. “Close focus performance is pretty good, without a trace of chromatic distortion and good clarity edge-to-edge. […] Overall image contrast is slightly low compared to the excellent Fuji 18-55 zoom, but this is easily corrected during post processing.” Check it out at dpreview.

Samyang / Rokinon 300 mirror lens for Fuji X: AmazonUS / BHphoto

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There are right now only 2 X-M1 (body only) available at AmazonDE via third party for €14 more than the regular price. Here is the AmazonDE link. A limited number of X-M1 bodies is available also at AmazonITA. In the meantime AmazonUS changed the status for the X-M1 from “will be released on July 29” to “temporarily out of stock”. BHphoto expects to have them in stock on July 31.


X-M1 (body only or with 16-50mm)USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / DigitalRev / Pictureline EUROPE: DigitalRev / WexUK / PCHstore / AmazonITA / AmazonDE

XF 27mm – USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / DigitalRev / Pictureline EUROPE: AmazonDE / DigitalRev / WexUK / PCHstore / AmazonITA XC 16-50: WexUK / PCHstore

FR-reader zone: “X100S, you Rock”, X-PRO1 in Florence and still in love with the X100


FR-reader Kaushik (his facebook) shared with FR his review of the X100S. Check out the PROS and CONS list. He also posted a 7-point wish list for the X100S successor at Amazon here. (Here are some videos which he did with X100S: video 1, 2, 3)



In the last FR-reader zone Meeno asked us to “let the love affair with the [shoplink 12883]X100S[/shoplink] begin“. But FR-reader Nath remains loyal to the good old X100 and shared on the FR-facebook wall the following image, saying: “I love the way the Fuji X100 handles light! This shot was taken just after sunrise on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. f/16 – 1/500 sec – ISO 3200 (I had Auto ISO set for the earlier hours of low light and forgot it was on. However it exposed this image perfectly…clever camera).

Nath’s facebookFR-facebook wall

 photo x100_zps290a956d.jpg


“Dear Patrick, I love photography and in this period I took with my Fuji X-Pro1, with the adapter for Leica lenses. These photos were taken in Florence, a wonderful city that lends itself well to street photography. I am sending you the link to my flickr account


 photo florence_zps7832bfa6.png