Already? 23mm, 10-24mm and 56mm prices&pre-order at ParkCameras (UK)

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UK-store Parkcameras has already listed the upcoming XF lenses (23, 10-24, 56) as available for pre-order and marked them with price (notice that the store wrote 56mm f/1.4 but on April 17 Fuji update the roadmap and said it will be f/1.2). So here are the price tags of Parkcameras for all the XF lenses… from the most expensive to the cheapest.

XF 56mm £799
XF 10-24mm £799
XF 14mm £729 – (£689 at AmazonUK) … ($899 at AmazonUS) … ([shoplink 12888]your Amazon[/shoplink])
XF 23mm £679
XF 55-200 £599 (£649 at AmazonUK) … ($699 at AmazonUS) … ([shoplink 12892]your Amazon[/shoplink])
XF 18-55 £499 (£479 at AmazonUK) …. ($699 at AmazonUS) … ([shoplink 12887]your Amazon[/shoplink])
XF 60mm £465 ………………………….. ($649 at AmazonUS) … ([shoplink 12890]your Amazon[/shoplink])
XF 18mm £429 ………………………….. ($599 at AmazonUS) … ([shoplink 12891]your Amazon[/shoplink])
XF 35mm £429 ………………………….. ($599 at AmazonUS) … ([shoplink 12889]your Amazon[/shoplink])
XF 27mm £379 ………………………….. ($449 at AmazonUS) … ([shoplink 13829]your Amazon[/shoplink])

Thanks FR-reader Ray for telling us about.

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techradar X-M1 hands on review (and pre-order at AmazonDE)


Comfortable in the hand, the buttons and dials have a high-quality feel, the LCD “doesn’t seem to suffer excessively from reflections or ghosting.” About the AF techradar says:

“We were only able to use the pre-production sample Fuji X-M1 in the confines of an office with relatively low, flat light, which doesn’t do the contrast detection autofocus system any favours. Nevertheless the camera managed to focus the lens on every subject we pointed at and with reasonable, although not super-quick, speed.”

They also tested the X-M1 in their labs so you can check out the resolution and sensitivity results. They compared the [shoplink 13828]X-M1[/shoplink] with the [shoplink 14916]Sony NEX-3N[/shoplink], [shoplink 12881]Fuji X-E1[/shoplink], [shoplink 14917]Olympus E-PM2[/shoplink] and [shoplink 14918]Panasonic GF6[/shoplink].

Check the graphs, see the samples and read the hands on review here at


And as I told you in a note of the firmware-post (continue to share your experience with the new firmware there) German FR-readers can now pre-order also the X-M1 kit (or body only) here at AmazonDE.

X-M1 (body only or with 16-50mm)USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / DigitalRev / Pictureline EUROPE: DigitalRev / WexUK / PCHstore / AmazonITA / AmazonDE

XF 27mm – USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / DigitalRev / Pictureline EUROPE: AmazonDE / DigitalRev / WexUK / PCHstore / AmazonITA XC 16-50: WexUK / PCHstore

[UPDATE: old vs new firmware] GET IT NOW: the new firmware is here! download, test and share your findings on Fujirumors!

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Does it keep what it promises? Faster and more accurate AF? And how does it feel to use, finally, the focus peaking on the X-E1 (ver. 2.00) and X-PRO1 (ver. 3.00)?

Download, test it and leave your feedback in the comments.

Click here to download the firmware for the body and lenses. (it could be necessary to delete your browser cache)

merry X-day

share this good news on facebook and twitter!

P.S.: German FR-readers can now pre-order also the X-M1 kit (or body only) here at AmazonDE.

X-M1 (body only or with 16-50mm)USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / DigitalRev / Pictureline EUROPE: DigitalRev / WexUK / PCHstore / AmazonITA / AmazonDE

XF 27mm – USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / DigitalRev / Pictureline EUROPE: DigitalRev / WexUK / PCHstore / AmazonITA XC 16-50: WexUK / PCHstore

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New lens roadmap: XC 50-230 f/4.5-6.7 added!

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It seems that once more our sources were right, when they said that a cheaper lens, similar to the 55-200 would be released soon. Fuji updated its lens roadmap and here it is: the XC 50-230 f/4.5-6.7. They also added the XC 16-50 to the roadmap.

Fujifilm Press Release

Updated FUJIFILM X-Mount Lens Roadmap

FUJIFILM Corporation (President: Shigehiro Nakajima) is today publishing an updated version of the FUJIFILM X-mount lens roadmap. This is further to the last XF lens roadmap issued in April 2013.

A total of 10 high quality Fujinon XF lenses will be on the market by early 2014 and now an additional 2 Fujinon XC lenses have been added to this list. When you combine this with the 3 Zeiss lenses already announced, it brings the total number of X Mount lenses available to 15.

New XC Lenses
In response to market feedback and requests from users, Fujifilm is expanding its line-up of lenses to offer a new category of XC lens. These are “compact and casual” lenses and are perfectly suited to the mid-range X-M1 compact system camera. They feature all-glass elements and are lightweight and portable.

In conjunction with its X-M1 compact system camera, Fujifilm announced the launch of the first XC lens, an F3.5-5.6 standard zoom lens that covers a shooting range of 16-50mm (24-76mm in 35mm equivalent). Today Fujifilm is announcing a second XC lens, an F4.5-6.7 telephoto zoom lens that covers the shooting range of 50mm to 230mm (75-350mm in 35mm equivalent). This will be available by the end of the year.

Fujifilm will continue to strive for the development of lenses that cover a wide range of focal lengths and offer bright and high resolution reproduction even at the periphery, so that users can enjoy the high resolution features of FUJIFILM X-Series cameras.

*1 For enquiries or information about the Carl Zeiss X-mount lenses, please click on the following URL:
*2 35mm format equivalent

via photographyblog [it seems that photographyblog disabled the link… but my fast fingers copied the press release :) one day later FUJIFILM published the press-release on its global site here… and photographyblog enabled the link again]

Now spread the word on facebook and twitter.


55-200 in stock at Adorama and Pictureline + 27mm available at AmazonITA (via third party)

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1) The XF 55-200 is finally in stock at Adorama here.

2) It’s also in stock at “the underdogpictureline. I’ve received feedback from FR-readers telling me of a great service, or, as FR-reader Roger said: “I have done business with picture line in Salt Lake City and they are excellent.” You can purchase it here at pictureline.

found via dealsrunner.

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3) The XF27mm is already available for for €445 (instead of €450 at AmazonITA, but you have to pay €14 for shipping) at AmazonITA via third party reseller here! There are only two available at the moment.

X-M1 (body only or with 16-50mm)USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / DigitalRev / Pictureline EUROPE: DigitalRev / WexUK / PCHstore / AmazonITA / AmazonDE

XF 27mm – USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / DigitalRev / Pictureline EUROPE: DigitalRev / WexUK / PCHstore / AmazonITA XC 16-50: WexUK / PCHstore