Iridient Developer (2.1.1): New native X-Trans support + Iridient (2.1) vs ACR (thevisualexperience)

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I’ve already told you that Iridient Developer (MAC only) now supports X-Trans RAW files here. The latest 2.1.1 version is now available with all “new, native demosaic processing for the Fuji X-Trans models!” Check it here and download the free trial here!  “Fuji: X-Pro1, X-E1, X20 and X100S now natively supported by new demosaic process in addition to existing support using Apple RAW libraries“.

Iridient Developer vs ACR

thevisualexperience made a comparison between ACR and Iridient (2.1). The question here: “is it worth in a Lightroom based workflow, to add this other piece of software or not?

Here are some of his findings: “White balances are different. Many differences in color rendering btw the two RAW processors […] The IRIDIENT output, in the same conditions as ACR, give a darker and more contrasty image. […] There is some “vignetting” in the IRIDIENT output. […] The details extracted from the RAW by IRIDIENT  blow out ACR

Now, it’s worth to add Iridient in your workflow? You can find the answer in part1 and part2 of his review (includes also a nice video comparison).

enjoy your day

image courtesy: thevisualexperience (part 2)

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quick peek at 27mm: Samples and Crops at brandonremler

X-M1 BODY ONLY – USA: AmazonUS (silverblack) / BHphoto (silverblack) / Adorama (silverblack) / DigitalRev / Pictureline (silverblackbrown) EUROPE: DigitalRev / WexUK (silverblack) / PCHstore (silverblack)

X-M1 + XC 16-50mm – USA: AmazonUS (silverblack) / BHphoto (silverblack) / Adorama (silverblack) / DigitalRev / Pictureline (silverblackbrown) EUROPE: AmazonUK (silverblack) / DigitalRev / WexUK (silverblack) / PCHstore (silverblack)

XF 27mm – USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto (silverblack) / Adorama (silverblack) / DigitalRev / Pictureline EUROPE: DigitalRev / WexUK / PCHstoreXC 16-50: WexUK / PCHstore


And as you can see at the FR dealsrunner sidebar, a user just found the X-M1 available for preorder at fotomundus (Germany)! Share your own findings with dealsrunner… they will automagically appear at the FR-sidebar and visible for all FR-readers immediately. It’s the best way to help us to save money ;). Let’s share deals!

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Brandon Remler is testing the 27mm lens on the streets of New York city. These are the first shots (with some 100% crops) he did with new 27mm pancake lens. Click here to see more samples and crops.

image courtesy: brandonremler

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Fujifilm X-M1: Pre-order at AmazonUK


The X-M1 is now available for pre-order at AmazonUK here.

You can read pixelogist thoughts about the new Fuji camera here. From the conclusions:

“For the price, the X-M1 looks to be an excellent product. The feature list speaks for itself: the awesome X-Trans sensor, the EXR II processor, fast 5.6fps shooting, 1080p video with the option for an external mic, built-in WiFi, and even an improved contrast detect AF system that is supposed to be very fast. All that in a beautifully designed rangefinder-style body that goes for $699. Or $799 for the kit However, I didn’t’ love everything about it. The lack of any sort of viewfinder will be a big negative for some. Me included. That’s part of the whole draw of the X-series mirrorless system, isn’t it?”


USA: AmazonUS (silverblack) / BHphoto (silverblackbrown) / Adorama (silverblackbrown) / DigitalRev / Pictureline (silverblackbrown) EUROPE: DigitalRev / WexUK (silverblack)

X-M1 + KIT LENS (XC 16-50)
USA: AmazonUS (silverblack) / BHphoto (silverblackbrown) / Adorama (silverblackbrown) / DigitalRev / Pictureline (silverblackbrown) EUROPE: AmazonUK (silverblack) / DigitalRev / WexUK (silverblack)

XF 27mm
USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto (silverblack) / Adorama (silverblack) / DigitalRev / Pictureline EUROPE: DigitalRev / WexUK

XC 16-50BHphoto / WexUK

STRONG SALES! X-M1 (and 27mm. Pre-order now and be high on the waiting list


The sales for the new X-M1 seem to be very strong. The new release in Fuji’s house is rapidly climbing the rankings.


X-M1 silver: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / WexUK / Digitalrev
X-M1 black: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / WexUK / Digitalrev
X-M1 brown: BHphoto / Adorama

BODY + KIT LENS (XC 16-50)

X-M1 silver with XC 16-50: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / WexUK / Digitalrev / AmazonUK
X-M1 black with XC 16-50: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / WexUK / Digitalrev / AmazonUK
X-M1 brown with XC 16-50: BHphoto / Adorama

XF 27mm

XF 27mm black: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / WexUK / Digitalrev
XF 27mm silver: BHphoto / Adorama

XC 16-50

XC 16-50BHphoto / WexUK


travel-X… the lightness of travel

– FR-reader Sabino just started his travel to Morocco. He will try to update his blog daily. Check out his first post, “Morocco on the road, with my Fuji X-E1, here’s what I carry…” here. You can see images of other travels here.

And here is his travel equipment:

[shoplink 12881]Fuji X-E1[/shoplink] [shoplink 12887]XF 18-55mm[/shoplink] [shoplink 12889]XF 35mm[/shoplink] [shoplink 13677 ebay]Asahi Super-Takumar 135mm/3.5 M42-lens[/shoplink] [shoplink 13678 ebay]M42 to Fuji X adapter Kiwi[/shoplink] [shoplink 13679 ebay]Small and light Manfrotto Tripod[/shoplink] [shoplink 13680 ebay]3 Fuji X-E1 batteries[/shoplink] [shoplink 13681]Lots of SD cards…[/shoplink] [shoplink 13682 ebay]iPhone 5[/shoplink]

image courtesy: Sabino Parente

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All pictures taken with Fujifilm X-E1 and 35mm f/1.4 lens. This set proved to be a very handy travel companion. Lightweight, simple, yet powerful. Having only one prime lens allowed me to pay attention to what I was seeing instead of what I was carrying with me. I could embrace the rich and colorful Balinese Hindu culture without getting distracted.” Check out jakubpuchalski’s shots in Bali here.

image courtesy: jakubpuchalski

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“[X100S] I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed this camera on this trip. Here in America, everyone thinks bigger is better. Everyone and their mothers have that mentality. They think big black DSLR’s are the only things that produce great images. It was cool being in Japan surrounded by people using a variety of cameras. I saw a lot of mirror-less users while i was there and for some reason, I liked that. Not saying there’s anything wrong with DSLR’s, I love my nikon camera, but when it comes to traveling, I don’t want my equipment slowing me down. With such great mirror-less options now, I don’t see how anyone travels with big heavy cameras anymore. But that’s just me.

image courtesy: daniellevitarbophotography

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I left my job as an advertising Creative Director in August 2012 to travel Africa and South America for a year with my wife, documenting these beautiful places with my Fuji X-Pro1.” Follow this blog here.

image courtesy: handcarryonly

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