Fuji says they will launch more system cameras this fiscal year! And compact camera lineup cut down by 50%.

Amateur Photographer reports that “the company plans to launch more mirrorless system cameras this fiscal year, Tanaka said in the Nikkei interview.” This one more time confirms that our rumors about new entry level X cameras coming soon are correct. And “Fuji tells AP it is ‘extremely pleased’ by the public’s enthusiasm for its higher-end compacts – a market in which it plans to focus its future compact camera resources. Fuji hopes to get its camera division back into the black by 31 March next year.”

Ap also writes: “Hiroshi Tanaka, general manager of Fuji’s Optical Device and Electronic Imaging Products Division, explained that bottom-end models have a low profit margin and will be axed from the firm’s line of around 20 compacts.

This isn’t really a surprise. Smartphones are eating up the compact camera market.

news found via ThePhoBlographer.

miXed zone: X-reviews, get wide right (XF14mm) + Samyang 8mm (sulantoblog)


[shopcountry 12883]

– The X100S and the Lee Seven5 System at fixelpix here: “When it comes to filters Lee are the gold standard and their recently released Seven5 micro filter system now includes an option for Fujifilm’s X100 and X100s cameras. I should also make it clear at this point the Lee Seven5 micro system isn’t just for the X100s and I plan to employ it with the X-Pro1 with various lenses. […] I love long exposure photography and the Lee Seven5 renews the excitement of capturing at any time of the day. If you want to venture into the realm of long exposure photography and have a compact camera then the Lee Filter Seven5 compact system is without doubt the way to go.”

image courtesy: fixelpix

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– Adam Lerner’s X100S review here. “For me, it’s the perfect camera. Amazing that all of that capability is in such a small package. Sure, the X100s isn’t for everyone, but for any of you guys who are ready to pop on one, you won’t be disappointed. If you were a fan of the X100, then you will love the X100s. The Fuji X100s is THE camera and for anyone who’s been considering one or anyone who’s got the X100 and loves shooting with it, then the X100s is a must-have.”


[shopcountry 12884]

– Infrared shots with the X-Trans sensor of the X20 and the [shoplink 12275 ebay]RM72 Filter[/shoplink]. Check out the results here.

neocamera posted his X20 review here. “The Fuji X20 is an excellent premium compact and the only one to have a mechanical zoom. […] Image quality is excellent for its sensor-size with low noise, good dynamic-range, nice colors and superb sharpness. Metering is highly conservative and WB is mostly good but struggles a little more than average. […] No camera is perfect but this one clearly shows plenty of strength.


[shopcountry 12881]

– Latino TV-super star Raul de Molina loves the X-E1. Just jump to minute 2 of this video, and hear by yourself: no more heavy DSLR’s, excellent image quality (“pretty close to the Leica“)… a declaration of love ;)

– phototechmag X-E1 review here: “The X-E1 camera is a keeper. I wouldn’t hesitate to make this my everyday camera, or take it on an extended trip abroad – particularly with some of the new wide-angle lenses coming up. Light and durable, it’s completely controllable with quiet operation and great image quality.


XF14mm [shopcountry 12888]

– A review of the [shoplink 12946 ebay]Samyang 8mm[/shoplink] lens can be read over here at sulantoblog. “The Samyang 8 mm f/2.8 is a good fisheye both optically and mechanically, but it is also quite affordable, which makes it a worthwhile purchase even for a casual user.”

– FR-reader Olaf posted 5 useful tips to make the best use of your wide angle XF14mm. I’ll post just the summary, but stop by his blog to read more and see his great shots (“Get wide right!”) 1) Always start with observation and vision 2)Choose a distinctive subject that stands out from the surroundings 3)Get unnaturally close 4)Watch corners and eliminate any unnecessary junk 5) Change the point of view – with a wide angle it makes a huge difference.

image courtesy: olafphotoblog photo c2a9osztaba_pitt_20130525_c2a9osztaba_pitt_13-05-25__dsf3886_zps44ae2d9a.jpg

IN STOCK: XF 55-200 (and Zeiss Touit) at AmazonUS (via third party reseller for normal price) + Touit first impressions



Grab it if you can! There are only 4 XF 55-200 in stock at AmazonUS (via third party) for the normal price of $700 (click here)! It’s the only lens that is not part of the Fuji X-superkit deals.

There are also only 5 Zeiss Touit 12mm for normal price sold by third party reseller here and one 32mm here.


FR-reader Craig has both Touit’s and begins his ongoing review. He told me that “I’ve gotten my new Zeiss Touit 12mm and 32mm lenses today, and have written a “First Impressions” article on them. I will be shooting with the Touits for the next week, and writing several updates with lots of real world samples. If you are interested, here it is!” So, stay tuned at Craigs website. Just an extract of his first impressions:

““they are smaller than I expected.”[…] but they are actually the perfect size for the mirrorless systems […]. both lenses feel very solid and well made in my hands. […] The apertures have a nice “old-fashioned” click sound to them and most will be happy to hear that they are a bit stiffer than their Fuji counterparts.”

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XF 55-200 in stock status check: USAAdoramaBHphoto / AmazonUS / DigitalRev / Uniquephoto / Pictureline / Europe: AmazonUK / AmazonDE / PCHstore Brussel / Worldwide ebay: slidoo

Zeiss Touit 32mm in stock status check: USA: Adorama / BHphoto / AmazonUS / Uniquephoto / Pictureline / Europe: AmazonDE / ebayUK / PCHstore Brussel
Zeiss Touit 12mm in stock status check: USA: Adorama / BHphoto / AmazonUS / Uniquephoto / Pictureline / Europe: AmazonDE / ebayUK / PCHstore Brussel

to switch or not to switch: that is the question!

Switching or not to the Fuji X series? That is maybe the question of many photographers out there. I continue to receive feedback about switching stories. Just keep it up guys! Now, sometimes I receives messages from people who are still not convinced to make the big jump to the small X-camera. So here is some more feedback… and I’m waiting for more interesting switch stories ;)

You can read part 1 (here) and part 2 (here) of the “switching to the Fuji-X” posts.

have a great day

P.S.: there is one Zeiss 12mm in stock here at ebayUS and four 32mm at ebayUK.

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“Hello Fujirumors…

This is quick message to tell you that I recently did the switch from the Nikon D600 to the Fujifilm X-PRO1 and I can tell you that I wouldn’t go back!

I was really intrigued by the X-PRO1 when it came out but really considered it when the firmware updates solved the major issues it had. I was still kind of scared because I mostly shoot boudoir and portraits and I was mostly seeing street, landscape or candid photography on the web. But I finally bought the X-PRO1 and dammmmnnn I love that baby!

Here’s one the latest shots I did with it using the [shoplink 11712]XF 35mm[/shoplink] lens. It was my first editorial wedding… Yup… I’m in love with this camera system!

Thank you Fuji! Regards.

Gab Labelle / gablabelle.com


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“Sir, Unfortunately I am not in a position to attach stunning images to lend credibility to my views on my X100s.  You’ll have to take them on face value instead :-) I’ve never turned off my Nikon DSLR. No need to. I pick it up, tap the shutter button, and we’re flying.  If it hasn’t gone to “sleep” yet, it doesn’t matter.  In particular: After picking up the camera and tapping the shutter, it is in a well-known state. With my X100s, alas, things are not that simple. Unless I pay great attention to what I do, I am unable to pick it up without pressing several buttons.  To avoid that wrecking havoc on my setup, I must turn it off whenever I put it down.Handing the camera to someone is a drag; as they grab it, I hear the dreaded sound of buttons being pressed.  “Please, can I have it back…checking setup, turning macro off again….you must hold it like this….” Argh!

The six-second-press-thing to lock some of the buttons is a mere joke. Six second is far to long, and not pressing anything else while waiting is almost impossible. At least with my large North-European sized thumb.  It does’n lock all buttons and, worse, you can’t see if it is engaged without pressing a button. The buttons on the back, both sides!, are not firm enough. That is, the firmness needed to hold the camera in the air is much firmer than what is needed to press buttons and turn the wheel. There is only a single place, rigth hand corner (seen from the back) with space for the thumb.  But it is dangerously close to the flash-button. Fortunately there is no movie-button to press which would have drained the battery.

So, then, what I want for my X101 is a slider somewhere convenient, one that would lock all buttons on the back in one go. It must be accessible either with the thumb (right hand side, naturally) or, possibly, within reach of the index finger. The [shoplink 11719 ebay]Nikon D80[/shoplink] has one to protect its multi-way selcetor. Or, as a firmware alternative to the X100s, moving the locking-feature to the Q-button where it can be pressed without interfering with lots of other buttons.  And three seconds is more than enough, thank you. Thank you for keeping us abreast on Fuji-news!”


“Hi Patrick,

my name is Robert, I’m from Linz – Upper Austria – and I am a regular reader of FR.
Being a passionate photographer myself, I wanted to replace my old DSLR with a newer model in winter last year. Due to several reaseons I think, that DSLRs have had their best time and looked for a lightweight alternative, as the train of system cameras really gained momentum last year. In December I ended up buying myself a Fuji X-Pro 1, but unlike other people this hasn’t been “love at first sight”. My relationship to this cam had to mature, and even today I sometimes experience the “rough edges” of my beauty. But isn’t that true with all individual characters? Anyhow, today we two act as an efficient team and I enjoy using it nearly every day.
I recently started my own photo-blog and thanks to the extraordinary low light capabilities of Fujis X-Trans-sensor the opening spectacle of the new musictheatre in Linz really produced some stunning images. Enjoy!

look at the opening spectacle of the new opera in Linz here.


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“[…] Here’s an article I posted about the Fuji X-Pro 1 and how I sold all of my DSLRs and totally switched over to Fuji if you’re interested. Thanks again, I love you site. I hope whenever the new X-Pro 1s/2 comes out that they do NOT change a thing on the physical body–it’s perfect in form and function. […]”

“Very recently, less than one month ago, I sold all of my DSLRs, fast glass and long lenses and purchased two Fuji X-Pro 1 bodies, the XF 18mm f/2 (approx. 28mm equivalent) lens, the XF 35mm f/1.4 (approx. 50mm equivalent) lens, and the XF 18-55 zoom lens, and I couldn’t be happier.

Check out Craig’s article “My name is not Rockefeller” here.


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X100S at AmazonUS (third party reseller for $1500) / XF55-200 + Zeiss Touit: in stock and first impressions


[SOLD OUT] Two X100S is now in stock at AmazonUS via third party reseller, but you have to pay $200 extra to grab it. Let’s hope for AmazonUS to ship the X100S directly soon.


– Roger told me that the new Zeiss Touit lenses for Fuji X-mount are now in stock at precision-camera (Austin TX) here (12mm) and here (32mm)

– FR-reader Franz received a message from his German reseller (fotoversand-afa.de). Looks like the new Zeiss optics will be with the vendor mid-next week.

tzsantos told me that they are available also in Portugal at jvalles.com

Zeiss Touit 32mm in stock status check: USA: Adorama / BHphoto / Uniquephoto / Pictureline / Europe: AmazonDE / ebayUK / PCHstore Brussel
Zeiss Touit 12mm in stock status check: USA: Adorama / BHphoto / Uniquephoto / Pictureline / Europe: AmazonDE / ebayUK / PCHstore Brussel


– For the dc.watch first impressions and samples of the Touit 12mm X-mount click here (translated version)


Mark: “I just got a call from Henry‘s to let me know that the Fujifilm 55-200 that I pre-ordered is now in the store for me.  So the lens is now available in Canada.”

Peter: “This is not a rumor but a fact. I was notified that my order for the XF 55-200 lens was shipped tonight from Cyberphoto in Sweden. :-) I hope I get it before the weekend!”

XF 55-200 in stock status check: USAAdoramaBHphoto / AmazonUS / DigitalRev / Uniquephoto / Pictureline / Europe: AmazonUK / AmazonDE / PCHstore Brussel / Worldwide ebay: slidoo (available in Japan)


1) photogenykstudios first impressions (and samples) of the XF55-200 can be read here.

“The XF55-200… may even be the most accurate of the Fuji lenses to date. Speed wise it wont set any records, but it wasn’t bad either. I would say it focused a lot better than I was expecting it to. I saw no difference after performing the needed firmware update. I have no complaints in either speed or accuracy. The image stabilization is also brilliant. I was effortlessly able to take tack sharp shots at 1/40 of a second at 200mm.

The IQ was nothing short of amazing. Tack sharp at 200mm, be it stopped down or wide open. Contrast, colour, sharpness, all excellent. No matter the aperture or focal length I could not take a bad shot from a pure IQ perspective. […]  What I liked best however was the rendering. The way the lens and camera draw the image, especially backlit shots, were breath taking.”

2) “Hi Patrick! Got my Fujinon 55-200mm today at Saturn shop in Düsseldorf Germany. Only 50 Pieces will be delivered right now to Germany. Did some pics today (not edited, all handheld) You might use them on your fabolous site if you want. Greetings from Düsselorf, Michael” See Michael’s first shots with the XF55-200 here.