The Art Of Photography! Fun, Passion and Art… the new blog of Donato Chirulli

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image courtesy: theartofphotography

Donato Chirulli from riflessifotografici started his own blog and the title reveals everything: “The Art Of Photography“. Photography is more than technical talk, pixel peeping and specs… it’s fun, it’s art, it’s passion. And it’s this passion that moved Donato Chirulli to start this blog.

Donato will post on his blog only the shots that he considers his most interesting ones and the best images he found on the web. Later, when the blog has a sufficient numbers of readers, he will choose weekly some shots of the readers that he feels worthy of being published.

Check out Donato’s new blog here.

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[UPDATE: Zeiss Touit FAQ] B&H estimates: 55-200 on June 05 – 12mm Touit on June 03 + Touit high-res samples (ephotozine)

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BHphoto expects the 12mm Touit lens for June 03 (click here)

ephotozine posted some high-res samples provided by Zeiss. For the 12mm samples click here, and for the 32mm shots click here. [UPDATE: For the Carl Zeiss Touit FAQ click here.]

Zeiss Touit 32mm pre-order: USA: Adorama / BHphoto / Uniquephoto / Pictureline / Europe: AmazonDE / PCHstore Brussel

Zeiss Touit 12mm pre-order: USA: Adorama / BHphoto / Uniquephoto / Pictureline / Europe: AmazonDE / PCHstore Brussel

XF 55-200 pre-order: USA: BHphoto / Adorama / AmazonUS / DigitalRev / Uniquephoto / Pictureline / Europe: AmazonUK / AmazonDE / PCHstore Brussel

BHphoto expects the 55-200 for June 05 (click here)

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Lens Turbo (focal reducer) to come for Fuji.

We got in contact with the Chinese company that just launched the new “Lens Turbo” adapter which is a focal reducer as the [shoplink 12112 ebay]Speed Booster[/shoplink] adapter but with a different design. They told us that nine new adapters will be launched this year:

PK, AI, EF, FD, MD, C/Y, Leica R, and M42 to Fuji X mount.

The image on top shows you their first adapter made for the NEX system. The company that makes the lens also makes the [shoplink 11236 ebay]Mitakon 35mm 0.95 for X-mount (you can find them here on eBay)[/shoplink].

Bags for your X: Think Tank new mirrorless mover bags

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Think Tank just launched the new mirrorless mover bags.

Check specs& price of the Mirrorless Mover 30iAdorama / BHphoto / Uniquephoto
Check specs& price of the Mirrorless Mover 20: Adorama / BHphoto / Uniquephoto
Check specs& price of the Mirrorless Mover 10: Adorama / BHphoto / Uniquephoto
Check specs& price of the Mirrorless Mover 5: Adorama / BHphoto / Uniquephoto

Thanks for sharing this news with FR, Matt (digitaltrekker)


thedigitaltrekker (What does it look like to vote in Malaysia – [shoplink 11923 ebay]X-PRO1[/shoplink] and the [shoplink 11339]Fujinon 14mm[/shoplink])

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Video: Developing the new Touit lens + preoder at AmazonDE (available June 3) + 55-200 at AmazonUK on June 14

Zeiss posted this video on youtube: “Developing the new Touit lens family”.

Zeiss Touit 32mm pre-order: USA: Adorama / BHphoto / Uniquephoto / Pictureline / Europe: AmazonDE / PCHstore Brussel

Zeiss Touit 12mm pre-order: USA: Adorama / BHphoto / Uniquephoto / Pictureline / Europe: AmazonDE / PCHstore Brussel

XF 55-200 pre-order: USA: BHphoto / Adorama / AmazonUS / DigitalRev / Uniquephoto / Pictureline / Europe: AmazonUK / AmazonDE / PCHstore Brussel

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