“If I was Fuji… What Would I make next ??”
by Dave Kai-Piper
That is a tough one… but I guess the next camera to come along would have to be a new version of the X-Pro, but, we have the new Updates coming soon, so I might be very interesting to see what these bring along. I know just as much as anyone does, there is no direct line to Japan here !! I wish !!
I can see why people are pushing for a new camera or a vastly updated camera from the X-Pro. The X-Pro 2/s Will come one day, but, for now, the lenses seem to be the focus of attention of the R&D department at Tokyo. There are some amazing things on the Road map. I think it is quite clear that Fuji are a company listening to to what the people are saying. But as with all global companies, they can only respond so fast due to the size and infrastructure set up. To be honest, it is pretty impressive the rate at which they are able to release cameras such amazing stuff
The 56mm F1.2 is going to be a something to look forward to and the word is that there will be a few other manufacturers making XF mount lenses or at least adapters to fit. Personally I really like how Fuji are being so open about third party lenses being used on the X-Pro. It is quite amazing how so many people are totally into the XF system, it feels like it has been around for years !! Looking at the lenses coming on the updated time-line, the 10-24mm looks nice, but might not be quick enough for me. I can see it being very popular with the landscape photographers, especially with the very funky Lee Filter Seven 5 system (http://www.leefilters.com/index.php/camera/system#seven5-system).
I have been out shooting with it and the CSC Tripod Keith (http://www.3leggedthing.com/compact-system-tripods/keith.html). It’s a pretty great combination for shooting landscapes and a pretty great all round tripod for a CSC Camera. It is great to see other companies really supporting the X-Pro and X-Series cameras. Since the X-Pro is a little larger than most other cameras in the same genre, it is clear that people are seeing the X-Pro as a flagship camera for the genre.
It has been quite a whirlwind for Fuji in 2012 & 2013, and great to see. Cameras like the instant classic X100 make such an impact, it can be quite a challenge to live up to it. But Fuji have done well to not only follow up but continue to raise the bar. In many ways, the most impressive camera Fuji have brought to the table could be the X20. I have enjoyed great access to the camera range and the X20 really is impressive. It truly is a great camera that everyone can use and a truly great reason to not use your iPhone for quick snaps.
Fuji have some great things coming I am sure. They have an app which works great on Android and iPad for sending the files from Camera to Tablet or Phone using WiFi. I would only imagine it will come to an X-series soon and would guess a not to distant future. At the moment it is on a Bridge camera and compact, but it works well and I expect it shall work its way up the scale in due course. I expect the larger files are harder to just zip over, I am not sure. On a similar note though, I was very happy to see the X100s was Eyefi Ready though.. but full on WiFi would be even better. As would USB3 maybe.
www.davekaipiper.co.uk / Fuji X-Pro gallery