[UPDATE] Apple: Aperture now supports X-TRANS

[UPDATE] Here is a very quick first look by thomasfitzgeraldphotography. “The files seem to be much sharper and retain much more detail that Lightroom’s efforts, and it doesn’t mangle fine detail like Lightroom does. It’s really impressive” See the LR-Aperture comparison pics here.

Apple updated the Digital Camera RAW software. Version 4.05 adds RAW image compatibility for the following cameras to Aperture 3 and iPhoto ’11:
Fujifilm X20
Fujifilm X100S
Fujifilm X-E1
Fujifilm X-Pro1

It happened, finally! download it here!


US readers can already preorder the brand new Fuji 55-200mm lens at BHphoto (Click here).

More Fuji news: Zeiss to ship in June (Europe). Firmware updated for X-PRO1 and X-E1 cameras on May 23rd.

It’s a huge Fuji day! And news keep coming in so this is the roundup of the latest info I got from readers and sources:

First of all thanks to the one source that end of last year told us that the Zeiss X-mount primes would be announced in April. He was definitely correct :)
The image on top of the post shows you the new full X camera-lens stuff including the newly announced 55-200mm, 27mm pancake and the two Zeiss primes! Click on the image to see a full size version to pixel peep the lenses :)
An European Zeiss dealer told us that both lenses will ship in Europe from June.

Fuji X camera firmware update:
Fuji Japan officially announce the release of a new firmware update for May 23rd (Source: DC.watch).

Fuji 55-200mm zoom and 27mm pancake:
The 55-200mm shipment will start from May 25th (Source: DC.watch) and the 27mm pancake sales will start in June. The zoom can be preordered at BHphoto (Click here). Let me know if you can find more preorders (fujirumor@gmail.com).

Live updated Fuji news roundup! 55-200mm lens, roadmap, Zeiss…

Note: I will continually update this post with new links. So keep watching!

US readers can already preorder the brand new Fuji 55-200mm lens at BHphoto (Click here).

And here is the full Fuji news roundup:

photographyblog 55-200 sample pics here.
Full report about the Fuji 55-200mm and lens roadmap announcement by Rico here on Fujirumors.
Presentation at Fujiguys (youtube) and preview by Fujiguys (youtube).
Hands-on at ePhotozine.
Full preview at Dpreview.
XF 55-200mm press release at ePhotozine, Techradar, Whatdigitalcamera, Photographyblog, Nikkei (Japanese), Fujifilm USA, Photoscala (German), Quesabesde (Spanish),