The 70 X100S improvements over the X100 (51of the X20 over X10) or “what can happen when a camera company listens to photographers”

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[The X20 is in stock at BHphoto: blacksilver]

Here’s a complete list of all 70 improvements the X100S has over the X100 according to Fujifilm. Read them all here! (or click here for the X20 list).

Here is how the X100S list begins:

1. 16-megapixel sensor, up from 12-megapixel
2. X-Trans CMOS II sensor eliminates need for Optical Low Pass Filter
2. The resolution has improved to match Full Frame domain sensors
3. The Signal to Noise ratio improved to be on a par with Full Frame domain sensors
4. Phase detection pixels allow 0.07 sec Auto focus
6. 1080p 60fps full HD movie
7. Improved start-up time. From 2.0sec to 0.9sec

The X20 list starts with:

1. 2/3-inch X-Trans CMOS II sensor without optical low pass filters improves resolution to as much as a 4/3″ sensor.
2. S/N ratio improved to level similar to Full frame sensors.
3. Phase detection AF allows for AF speeds as low as 0.04secs (compared to X10 0.16secs).

Read them all and feel free to leave a comment and discuss the list, for example: “The resolution has improved to match Full Frame domain sensors“.

Check out also this article here at photographytalk (What Can Happen When a Camera Company Listens to Photographers) They say that “the people at Fujifilm obviously took the comments and advice from users and reviewers seriously. The new X100S includes 70 upgrades, both major and minor, creating a precise photographic instrument that appears to be the right choice for a second camera.” The X100S isa wonderful example of what can happen when a camera company pays attention to its loyal customers and the larger photography market.”

Click the links below to check availability. Click on your ebay or your Amazon to see the in stock status in your country.

X100S: BHphoto / AdoramaAmazonUS / AmazonDEAmazonUK / AmazonITA / DigitalRev / your ebay / your Amazon
X20:  BHphoto (blacksilver) / Adorama (blacksilver) / AmazonUS (blacksilver) / AmazonUK (blacksilver) / AmazonDE / AmazonITA / DigitalRev / your ebay / your Amazon

[UPDATE] Lightroom 4.4 and ACR 7.4 available now! + Fuji and Adobe working together

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Lightroom 4.4 and Camera Raw 7.4 are now available here.

– The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4 update includes these enhancements:

Improved demosaic algorithm for better raw file support on cameras with X-Trans sensors. This includes the Fujifilm X-Pro1.

Additional camera support for 23 cameras including the Canon EOS 1D C, Nikon Coolpix A, and Samsung NX300.

Corrections and bug fixes for issues introduced in previous versions of Lightroom.

– Camera Raw 7.4  includes a correction to the demosaic algorithms for Fujifilm cameras with the X-Trans sensor. This specifically impacts the following cameras:Fujifilm X-Pro1 (*) / Fujifilm X-E1 (*) / Fujifilm X100S / Fujifilm X20 (click here)
(*) Based on user feedback, the default sharpening amount applied to Fujifilm X-Pro1 and Fujifilm X-E1 raw files has been increased between Camera Raw 7.4 Release Candidate and the final Camera Raw 7.4 release. (thx for the link Imgurian)

[UPDATE] Fujirumors posted first rumors about a cooperation between Fujifilm and Adobe to improve image processing of X-Trans back in October, 26 here). Now this cooperation has been officially announced at Fuji’s website here:

“FUJIFILM Corporation (President: Shigehiro Nakajima) announced that Fujifilm and Adobe Systems Incorporated have been working together to improve image processing of X-Trans and EXR-Sensor based raw captures. X-Trans CMOS has a new type of sensor filter array developed by Fujifilm to improve image quality. The release of Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 4.4 and Adobe Camera Raw 7.4 today offers significant improvements in the processing of X-Trans raw files for the X100S, X20, X-Pro1 and X-E1, resulting in better Moire reduction and enhanced performance in color reproduction.

“We worked closely with Fujifilm to increase the quality of image processing of X-Trans and EXR-Sensor based raw captures,” said Tom Hogarty, group product manager, Adobe. “Lightroom 4.4 and Adobe Camera Raw 7.4 demonstrate the results of this cooperation and provide remarkable improvements in the raw file rendering.”

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Feel free to leave your feedback in the comments.

Aperture, Lightroom…Capture One! Finally the Odyssee ends. This is the title of nicolestuppert’s post (read it here) He posted also some LR vs C1 comparison pics: “​So finally after months and weeks I came to the decision that I will work with Capture one & Aperture! Capture One – because of the fantastic RAW Converter & Aperture for the interface, the file managing and the plug-In’s (VSCO, Nik Software) I use.” Check out the Nik Software offer (70% price drop here).

have a great day!

ebayUK: X100S in stock! + dc-watch review

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Three X100S are right now in stock at a top-rated ebay seller for £1,090 (click here)

Here is the Japanese dc-watch review (translated version).

X100S: BHphoto / AdoramaAmazonUS / AmazonDEAmazonUK / AmazonITA / DigitalRev / your ebay / your Amazon
X20:  BHphoto (blacksilver) / Adorama (blacksilver) / AmazonUS (blacksilver) / AmazonUK (blacksilver) / AmazonDE / AmazonITA / DigitalRev / your ebay / your Amazon

image courtesy: dc-watch

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Finally: shipping preorders and X100S


The time has come for those who preordered the X100S to check if it keeps what it promises. The first reviews are very positive.

FR-reader Mark has it since two weeks. He linked me his review. Here are his first impression:

“In a nutshell – in good daylight, the AF rocks. In both speed and accuracy. That’s coming from a D700 user. Indoors in incandescent light – not so crash hot. Probably just on one second in dim incandescent light to lock onto a subject 3 metres away. If the light gets even lower – it can and did fail to lock focus. This is not a deal breaker for me – as thats just not the way I’ll need to use this camera. This is where the new improved manual focus feature comes in handy. […] The Fuji JEPG engine is also a big strong point of this camera. I am primarily a RAW shooter – but since getting this camera I have done a little experiment by only shooting in JPEG. There is something quite liberating and very pleasing when you can shoot and upload images so quickly without having to even fire up the computer. RAW will always have its place – but at the moment I don’t feel I need it am I am very much enjoying the “Fuji colours” I get from the JPEG files.””

X20 in stock at AmazonUS + X10 vs X20


The X20 is now in stock here in black and here in silver. For more in stock infos check this post here.

X100S: BHphoto / AdoramaAmazonUS / AmazonDEAmazonUK / AmazonITA / DigitalRev / your ebay / your Amazon
X20:  BHphoto (blacksilver) / Adorama (blacksilver) / AmazonUS (blacksilver) / AmazonUK (blacksilver) / AmazonDE / AmazonITA / DigitalRev / your ebay / your Amazon

The Japanese site camera.itmedia (translated version) postet a X10 vs X20 comparison.

image courtesy: camera.itmedia

left: X10 – right: X20

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