miXed zone: X100S + X20 reviews and more

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image courtesy: Roel

Cambodia: A Photographer’s guide

If you plan to go to Cambodia, you should read this post of Roel (click here). He travelled with the X-PRO1 (main camera), X-E1 (backup) and 4 of the 5 native X-mount lenses ([shoplink 8628]XF 14mm[/shoplink], [shoplink 8625]XF 18-55mm[/shoplink], [shoplink 8630]XF 35mm[/shoplink], [shoplink 8632]XF 60mm[/shoplink]). He put all in his [shoplink 9262]Think Tank Photo Sling-O-Matic 10[/shoplink]. A light kit (about 2 kg) and a great image quality. Nice images, many practical advices and interesting to read.

Think Tank Photo Sling-O-Matic 10 [shopcountry 9262]

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DPreview added some X100S samples here. And see real life images of the X100S in Vietnam here.

ephotozine samples (from ISO 100 to ISO 25600) here.

In depth: X100S at strobist.blogspot: “it sees in the dark”, “Sync at Any Speed”, “Choose Your Palette”, “Speaking of White Balance”, “Hip to Be Square”, “Shooting in Toy Camera Mode”, “Finally, Pitch-Perfect Focusing”, “Menu Evolution”, ” Is it The Perfect Camera?”, “Fuji Is the New Leica” and “The Dreaded Question, should I upgrade?”. Read all these chapters here.

imaging resource posted first shots of the [shoplink 9525]Nikon D7100[/shoplink] and Fujifilm X100S. Read the article here. “How do they compare with each other? Check them out in our Comparometer, you might be surprised“. In the meantime you can read their first considerations about the X100S here: “If you like your X100, you’ll probably want to run — not walk — to the nearest camera store or friendly internet retailer, to lay hands on the new X100S. We expect the improvements to be pretty dramatic.”

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The popular German newspaper Spiegel.de posted his X20 review here (translated version).

Adam sent me via Twitter his review. Read it on his website here. He confirms, great AF performance: “The speed of focus is outstanding. Switching focus from close, to a distant object, appears immediate, much faster than my Xpro1! Focusing is absolutely silent too, this is great for street shooting!” He was also very impressed with the ISO capability of the X20. Pros: Very small, lightweight – Excellent focus speed – Optical viewfinder “semi electronic” – Good ISO performance – In-buit flash – Good zoom range. Cons: Poor battery life – Difficult to control in manual mode using optical viewfinder. Verdict: “This is an excellent compact camera. For its size and price, it performs brilliantly. If I was asked to recommend a camera to amateur photographers, wanting to get into street photography, or serious about their travel photographs, then this is a great place to start.” Read the whole review here.

Some nice X20 shots can be seen at Donato Chirulli’s facebook here.

X20 in Venice. Image courtesy: Donato Chirulli

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[shopcountry 8614]

Soundimpagplus posted his first impressions of the X-E1 (read here) and the XF 18-55mm (read here). X-E1: He loves the “Leicaesque” feeling of this camera in his hands. He prefers the EVF of the X-E1 to the X-PRO1 viewfinder: “It’s more accurate plus it is polarised sunglasses friendly.” “It isn’t a Leica, its a lookaleica, and it isn’t a rangefinder (another plus as far as I’m concerned) but it leans heavily on old school camera design.” The second article takes a closer look to the XF18-55, which he also like, and wide open delivers a better result than the XF18mm prime lens, sharper, with no CA / fringing. From the conclusions: “Is this the best standard kit lens ever? Well probably, […] It’s just a very good zoom lens, and obviously very nicely matched to the X-Trans sensor. It is I think somewhat better than the Panasonic 12-35mm f/2.8, though obviously it doesn’t hold that fast aperture throughout. Sony have nothing like this for NEX, and while I quite liked the Samsung 18-55mm zoom, this is significantly better.”

Check in stock info and price at:
Fujinon XF 18-55mm [shopcountry 8625] Fujinon XF 18mm: [shopcountry 8859] Panasonic 12-35mm: [shopcountry 8861] Samsung 18-55mm: [shopcountry 8863]

[shopcountry 8616]

Jonas published his XF 18-55mm first impressions (with X-PRO1). Read it all and see his nice samples here. His conclusions: “The Fujinon 18-55mm f/2.8-4R OIS is a great allround performer. As a kit lens, it’s one of the best I’ve ever had the pleasure of using. As a stand alone zoom lens it’s up there among the best of the normal range zooms IMHO. It would be perfect if it had a set aperture at about f/2.8. It’s very reasonably priced, and you get a lot of lens for your savings. If you, like me, is considering the prime XF 18mm f/2.0, I would instead recommend that you buy the 18-55mm since it delivers on par image quality, it’s faster at focussing, and you get some added flexibility.This lens is really great for street photography. The good fast AF coupled with one of the best OIS’s I’ve ever used makes it joy to use. The images it produces are sharp throughout the range and delivers great “pop”. This is a great addition to my X-series system.

[shopcountry 8634]

Fujifilm XF1: Stylish, creative controls and image quality amongst the best compacts“. DXOMark published the test results for the XF1 (click here). From the conclusions:

“The 12-megapixel 2/3-inch EXR-CMOS sensor at the heart of the XF1 puts in a solid performance in the DxOMark Scores, ranking 12th overall for compact and high-end compact cameras. That said, despite the slightly larger sensor, it only boasts roughly the same image quality as competitors, such as the Nikon P7700, Olympus XZ-2 iHS, Canon PowerShot S110, and Panasonic LX7. While these competitors achieve their best scores at the lowest ISO, the XF1 is a little stronger through the sensitivity range. The relatively small sensor compared to APS-C or Micro Four Thirds sensors however mean compact like this are always going to struggle with noise, and with a Low-light ISO score 199 ISO the XF1 struggles to achieve good image quality at higher sensitivities.”

NEW: Fuji XP200 + FinePix S8400W long zoom bridge camera (specs and price)

Fujifilm has announced a shockproof, waterproof camera (15 meters underwater) with Wi-Fi, the Fuji XP200. Read a hands-on review here at techradar. Fujifilm announced also the FinePix S8400W. Read Fuji’s press release and the Key features of this camera here at ephotozine.

X100S and X20 in stock status check


Germany: AmazonDE has the X100S is in stock here and the X20 here. At ebayDE you can find the X20 here and here.

Italy: AmazonITA has the X100S is in stock here (third party reseller) and the X20 here. At ebay there is the X100S here and here. For the X20 at ebay click here.

UK: AmazonUK has the X20 in stock via third party reseller here or at ebay here. At ebay you can find the X100S here, for £1,099.

USA: You can now purchase the X20 at ebayUS here (1 left) and here in black (3 available) or here in silver (2 available). FR-Reader Roger told me that AmazonUS shipped his X100S on Friday (order placed Jan. 7).

To check the in stock status at the Amazon in your country, click this link (X100S) or this link (X20). To check the in stock status at your ebay, click this link (X100S) or this link (X20). For easy and fast searching at ebay, I’d recommend you to use slidoo.com.

X100S: BHphoto / AdoramaAmazonUS / AmazonDEAmazonUK / AmazonITA / DigitalRev / your ebay / your Amazon
X20:  BHphoto (blacksilver) / Adorama (blacksilver) / AmazonUS (blacksilver) / AmazonUK (blacksilver) / AmazonDE / AmazonITA / DigitalRev / your ebay / your Amazon

In stock: X20 at Adorama and soon also the X100S

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Finally in stock also in the States. Adorama has the X20 black version here.

FR reader Stefan wrote me this email: “I just called Adorama to check the status of my X100S pre-order and she told me that it is actually packing to be shipped today. Thought you will appreciate this update. Thanks!” Yep Stefan, I appreciate ;), thanks to you. At the bottom you can see his shipping notification.

Fuji X100S is also set to ship this week at BH (March 22)… The long wait for the X100S is almost over!

For more in stock infos check here:
X100S: BHphoto / AdoramaAmazonUS / AmazonDEAmazonUK / AmazonITA / DigitalRev / your ebay / your Amazon
X20:  BHphoto (blacksilver) / Adorama (blacksilver) / AmazonUS (blacksilver) / AmazonUK (blacksilver) / AmazonDE / AmazonITA / DigitalRev / your ebay / your Amazon

X100S: At ebay: ongoing auction. Right now you have to pay €1340 ( €140 extra). Make your offer here. Or wait a few days and buy it for normal price.
X20: There is one black in stock here at AmazonDE for €549. Also at ebay here for €549.
X20: At ebay, a black X20 it for £499 here. AmazonUK (thirdy party reseller) for 538 here.
X100S: At ebay here, here or here (delivers in 16-18 days).
X20: At ebay here (€529) or here (€495 – delivers in 16-18 days).

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Fuji X PRO 1 marked as discontinued in some stores…


Some stores like for example Camerastore Australia marked the X PRO 1 as “discontinued“. Just to make it clear, that’s no proof at all that an X PRO 2 is on the horizon. Stores sometimes discontinue products for different specific reasons. But n X PRO 2 is due for a 2013 release and it’s time to talk about how the X PRO 2 should be to make it a nice camera!

[UPDATE] Finally! X20 in stock in Germany [and UK] + X100S at AmazonUK (third party reseller)


[UPDATE]: ebayUK has the X20 (blacksilver) available for £499.

You may be interested to know that today the X20 is finally in stock at AmazonDE for €549 (silverblack) or at ebayDE (for example here (€549) or here €554)).

Also DigitalRev has the X20 in stock for €682 here.

If you are looking for the X100S, AmazonUK (via third party reseller) has only 4 in stock for £1,025 here.

X100S: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / AmazonDEAmazonUK / AmazonITA / DigitalRev / [shoplink 8618 ebay]your ebay[/shoplink] X20: AmazonUS (blacksilver) / BHphoto (blacksilver) / Adorama (blacksilver) / AmazonUK (blacksilver) / AmazonDE / AmazonITA / DigitalRev / [shoplink 8620 ebay]your ebay[/shoplink]