X100s and X20 Full Size Sample update at Fuji’s website

“I think that if company invest so much in producing and marketing a new camera, the should invest a bit more and get a better photographer.” This is Sagi’s comment when he saw the X20 full size sample shots.

Now Fuji added some more full size images here (X100s – up to ISO 1600) and here (x20). Take a look by yourself and see if Fuji learned from our critics ;-). And thanks again MJr for the links!

Fuji X100s

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Lightroom 4.4 RC purple fringing effect

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Massimiliano Angeloni from riflessifotografici (website) is one of those who’s testing the latest release of Lightroom. He says that overall the new release is definitely an improvement! But, well, just look at the image where he compares the SOOC Jpeg’s, LR4.4 and C1.

Have a look at the water drops! The Lightroom 4.4 release candidate shows a purple fringing effect when processing images with strong sunlight falling on wet surfaces. And look at the bridge, where the whole surface that reflects the light is tinged violet!

Thanks for the image, Massimiliano!

Oh, and if you want to read an interesting “riflessifotografici-quality” review about three cameras that were taken out of production, the [shoplink 8428 ebay]Fuji X100[/shoplink], [shoplink 8426 ebay]Leica X1[/shoplink] and [shoplink 8427]Sigma DP2X[/shoplink], you should read the latest article of riflessifotografici here (translated version).

Fuji X100 [shopcountry 8428] Leica X1 [shopcountry 8426] Sigma DP2X [shopcountry 8427]

image courtesy: riflessifotografici

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climb up there with a DSLR… no way, you need an easy Fuji X100 ;)

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X100s: David’s feedback to Fujifilm

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Lucky FR-reader Douglas with his brand new X100s!

David Hobby tested a pre-production X100s in Dubai and, after two weeks testing, he send his feedback to Fujifilm. You can read the whole feedback here at petapixel. Here an extract:

“The chip is fantastic. I was worried that higher pixel density (16mp vs 12 mp) would bring noise problems. Nope, it’s truly awesome. […] Autofocus: Super quick, confidently grabbing focus in low light. […] Fantastic manual focus. The focus peaking works wonderfully. The changed pitch of the manual focus ring was much-welcomed and is, in my opinion, perfect. Bravo. […]”

The story has a happy end… he fell in love and purchased the X100s!

X100s: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / AmazonUK / AmazonDE /
X20: AmazonUS (blacksilver) / BHphoto (blacksilver) / Adorama (blacksilver) / AmazonUK (blacksilver) / ebayITA /  / AmazonDE / AmazonITA /

X100s: UK delivery postponed + rolling review + more sample shots

X100s: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / AmazonUK / AmazonDE /
X20: AmazonUS (blacksilver) / BHphoto (blacksilver) / Adorama (blacksilver) / AmazonUK (blacksilver) / ebayITA /  / AmazonDE / AmazonITA /

1) What’s this? I told you that the X100s should be available in UK in time for the focus on imaging show. But now I’ve received the following email:

“Hi,fuji have had technical difficulties with the x100s so date has been pushed back a further two weeks,as long as difficulty gets ironed out..no idea what the technical difficulty is but dealers have this two week new timescale. R Bachman”

Can’t tell you what these technical difficulties are. Fact is, the camera should have been available now, but AmazonUK pushed back the delivery date to a vague “usually dispatched within 1 to 2 months”. Let’s hope that shipping times won’t slip also in other countries.

2) Alan sent me the following email: “I’m sure you’ve already heard about this, but just in case… Sean Reid at Reid Reviews (www.reidreviews.com) has started a “rolling review” of the X100S.  A rolling review is one that he updates multiple times as he adds more observations and tests.  His site is subscriptiononly, and I’m not able to provide a direct link to the review.  But your readers might want to be aware of it.  Reid is well known and highly valued for lengthy reviews written from the standpoint of the working photographer, not the pixel-peeper or testbed-jock.  He calls the X100S “one of the most impressive cameras (all aspects considered) that I’ve used in a long time – especially in this price category” and suggests that Andre Kertesz might have taken an interest in it. Hope this is helpful”. Alan also told me that ” he goes into extreme depth -, not with DP Review-style technical reviews but with a real, felt exploration of how a camera is going to perform in the hands of a working photographer.” A subscription is currently $32.95 per year.

Other readers told me that two X100s were available, for a short time, at Calumet in the UK yesterday morning, and the lucky FR-reader Douglas grabbed one.

3) Thanks to Vernon, who posted this link (fujixseries) in the comments, with X100s indoor and high ISO shots of phdezra.

image courtesy: phdezra (Flickr)

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X100s first impressions

The X100s is already available in Japan. So here are some first impressions about the new Fuji-gem from the country of the rising sun! Ian posted on Google+ his considerations (click here).

“[..] ISO 2000 looks great, and I do find I need it a bit. It’s better than the [shoplink 8323]D90[/shoplink].  And it isn’t a noise factor, it is dynamic range.  Past 1000-1250 the [shoplink 8323]D90[/shoplink] files looked sickly and unnatural even when properly exposed.[…] Other thoughts, the manual focus ring still has the fly-by-wire limitations.  It is nowhere as responsive as a direct coupled lens. […] The AF-C mode on the other hand has impressed me so far.  For keeping the focus on a moving child’s eye, it works as well as a DSLR. […] Oh, one piece of bad news, I have managed to freeze the camera once.  I had to take the battery out to solve the problem.”

At the end Ian says you’re free to ask him questions. So, just visit his site here, read his first impressions, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask him.

Ah, and, if you want, join the Desperate Aperture User Facebook page of Fujirumor reader JasonChart (The Desperate Aperture Users page, is dedicated to a single cause. To revive the company’s interest in professional applications, Aperture foremost)! C’mon Apple… make your homeworks!

X100s: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / AmazonUK / AmazonDE /

X20: AmazonUS (blacksilver) / BHphoto (blacksilver) / Adorama (blacksilver) / AmazonUK (blacksilver) / ebayITA /  / AmazonDE / AmazonITA /

image courtesy: Ian (Go0gle+)

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