Real life performance comparison: Fuji X-E1 vs Olympus OMD EM-5

image courtesy: (click here) compared the Fuji X-E1 and the Olympus OMD EM-5. It’s a well made, comprehensive, real life review, with a lot of images and also a list of PROS and CONS of these cameras.

At the end, which camera would she choose? “That’s quite a difficult question, both are capable of producing outstanding images… In the room with the snake the Fuji really struggled to lock focus at times and the slight lag of the EVF added to my frustrations. However the OMD nailed the shots easily (despite having a cheap and slow zoom on at the time). And of course the OMD is not only faster but is also weather proofed which is a great bonus for me, amongst its other performance attributes. So whilst I greatly admire the XE1 for its outstanding images, classic looks and wonderful build quality, it’s rather like a luxury saloon car – pleasurable to handle providing you’re not in too much of a hurry. The OMD on the other hand is a bit like a highly specc’d modern sports car – a little sharper around the edges but your journey will be fast and fun.”

Read much more in her post here. And here is the second part of her review.

PS.: There are some price drops at AmazonUS on the Olympus (body only and kit). You can save $99. Click here to see the deal (kit). Save $50 purchasing this camera also through Adomara (click here-body only) or at B&H (click here-body only).

Next X-E1 video review.

Here is the next X-E1 video review. Take a look at it or read the review at digitalcameraworld (click here).

Check the X-E1 in stock status here:

AmazonUS: X-E1 kit BLACK / X-E1 kit SILVER / X-E1 body only BLACK / X-E1 body only SILVER

Adorama: X-E1 kit BLACK / X-E1 kit SILVER / X-E1 body only BLACK / X-E1 body only SILVER

B&H: X-E1 kit BLACK / X-E1 kit SILVER / X-E1 body only BLACK / X-E1 body only SILVER

EbayUS: X-E1 kits (via slidoo)

Wexphotographic: X-E1 body only BLACK / X-E1 body only SILVER

Jessops: X-E1 kit SILVER

Amazon GER: X-E1 body only BLACK / X-E1 body only SILVER

Fujinon XF18-55mm in stock status check

Amazon US / Adorama / B&H / ebayUS (via slidoo)

a white debut with the X-E1 and 18-55 lens! “on-snow” review


Federico Frugoli sent me an email with his first X-E1 impressions. Here is his review (see his website here).


I’m Federico Frugoli, an Italian photographer, and I wanted to share with you my first impressions of the X-E1. I’ve passed my first week end with it in the mountains. So I woke up early, and climbed the beautiful mountains. There was a lot of fresh snow, and I tested the X-E1. Here are my first impressions:

-Body and lens built quality are very good, surely superior to my micro43 Lumix!

Excellent ergonomics, even for my big hands (I’m 2 meter high). There are no problems with too small buttons or buttons you could press inadvertently.

-The EVF is perfect. I read about a lag, but I didn’t noticed it.

The 18-55 is impressive to what belongs the lens flares. I’ve never possessed something like this. The Fujinon lens is almost perfect!

-The AF is not as good as the micro4/3 Lumix. Also my 3 years old GF1 is faster and in bad light conditions the X-E1 is sometimes hunting for the focus for too long. It’s not a problem for my needs, but for someone else this could be a problem. Fuji has to improve this!

-What belongs the focus, I’m working slower with the X-E1 than with the Lumix. And I can’t change the exposure comp once that the focus is locked! With the Lumix exposure is always calculated in real time and visible in the LCD/EVF. With the Fuji you have to half press the shutter button to do metering calculation.

-Out-of-cam JPEG quality is impressive!

-High ISO performance is great

-The “Q” button is very useful

-Good battery life. I’ve read about a bad battery life, but it’s quite good to me… and batteries cost less than Panasonic batteries

-The live histogram is quite difficult to read. I was used to that of the Panasonic, where you could also change the position of the live histogram on the LCD/EVF

-The exposure comp dial is not resistant enough. You risk to move it inadvertently.

-Impressive dynamic range!

That’s it for now,

keep up your good work

ciao, Federico

To see his first snow-walk in the mountains and read his impressions and see his gallery, click here! (click here for the translated version) For the film simulation pics click here!

So, keep on writing at


18-55 in stock at ebayUS + Mastering the X-PRO1 on the way to NY!

Now also ebayUS has the 18-55 lens. click here to see all the lenses available on ebayUS via slidoo and here at Adorama (click here).

And for those who preordered the book “Mastering the X-PRO1“: a freighter is right now crossing the ocean and shipping the books to New York! It shouldn’t take long, and you’ll have your copy.

Fujinon XF18-55mm in stock status check

Amazon US / Adorama / B&H / ebayUS (via slidoo)